Chapter 25

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Lilly's POV 

The next day...

I sit in the passenger seat of my mom's car and I was looking out at the window at the moving landscape "Lilly, don't be upset, inpatient isn't for everyone" She says turning down the radio, I don't reply, I just count each car that we pass. 

My mom pulls into the dunkin donuts parking lot. "Want anything?" She asks, I snort and I roll my eyes "Right" My mom says unbuckling her seatbelt and going inside. 

Five minutes later, she returns with three bags and three iced coffees, she doesn't say anything but looks back through her mirror and she backs up and drives back to the apartments block. 

Soon the familiar apartment block comes into view and my mom pulls up into our reserved parking spot for her car. She grabs the food and the drinks and I go to get my suitcase out of the car, I try to lift it out but I feel weak. 

"Jesus, Lilly, let me grab that, you got the food?" My mom asks and I nod as we start to walk to our apartment and then once we reach our apartment, we walk inside. 

"Siobhan, we're back and I brought Dunkin" My mom calls, Siobhan comes running around the corner and she wraps me in a hug, she clasps her hand around my own and we walk into the kitchen. 

"I know you said you didn't want anything but you need something so I got you an iced coffee and a donut" My mom announces. I feel my face redden. I pick up the iced coffee and I look at it before looking at my mom and Siobhan. Anger bubbles in me. 

"I'M NOT DRINKING YOUR STUPID HIGH FAT DRINKS" I scream throwing the coffee across the room. It smashes against the wall and light brown iced liquid pours down the wall. "OR YOUR STUDIP DONUT" I add grabbing the donut and clasping my fist around it so it becomes crushed. I drop the donut and I am surrounded in pain and regret. 

"Lilly..." Siobhan says calmly, I back up a couple of steps before turning and racing to my room. I shut the door and I try to lock it, where is the lock?, she removed the lock. 

I decided to just grab my desk chair and prop it under the door. I go to my window seat and crawl as far into the corner as I possibly can. 

"I'm sorry" I mumble over and over. 

Siobhan's POV 

I watched as Lilly runs to her room and then my mom tells me to go to my room while she cleans up Lilly's mess. 

I walked into my room before I sat down on my bed and I decided to head over to Pressley's apartment to hang out with her. 

"Mom, I'm heading over to Pressley's apartment to hang out with her" "Okay, I'll see you later" I walked to Pressley's apartment and I knocked on the door, Ashley answered and she smiled when she saw me at the door, "Hey Ashley, I was wondering if Pressley was here, I was wanting to hang out with her if she isn't here, I can come back later to-" "Oh no, Pressley is here, I was just leaving to get dinner, Pressley!" "Yeah?" Pressley said walking up to the door and once she saw me, she smiled at me and then she said "What are you doing here?" "To hang out with you" "Okay" I walked inside Pressley's apartment and then her mom left, Pressley and I sat down in the lounge room and then she said "I'm sorry about exposing your secret two weeks ago" "It's okay, the team was going to find out anyways so let's talk about this" I pulled out the bracelet I had gotten off Brady and Pressley said "Where did that cone from?" "You" "I don't understand" I then told her what Brady told me about the bracelet and then she said "Don't believe him, Siobhan, I think he's taken an interest in Lilly and he's just using it as a coverup" "What do you mean?" "Haven't you noticed that he has been spending more time with Lilly than you?" I froze, he has been lately and ever since she told him about her cuts, her eating disorder and Jason raping her, does Brady like Lilly as a crush?.

Pressley then took the bracelet out of my hand and then she said "Just break up with him, he'll probably break up with you sometime this season to be with Lilly" "I can't do it" "Yes, you can and then we can be together" "Pressley, what are you talking about-" Pressley then drags me to her bedroom and she pushes me on the bed before she locks the door, she then said "I still have a crush on you, Siobhan" I froze as Pressley climbed on top of me and I tried to scream for help, Pressley places one hand on my mouth before she starts kissing my neck, Pressley chuckled as she takes her hand off my mouth and then she said "Moan my name" "No, I won't do that" "But don't you want Brady to not be hurt?" "What are you talking about?" Pressley pulls out her phone and she shows me a video of GiaNina and Hannah beating Brady up and Sarah was filming and laughing in the background, I cried as I watched my boyfriend being beat up. Pressley then said "If you don't moan my name and let me do what I want to do to you, I will send a text to GiaNina, Hannah and Sarah and I will tell them to go to Brady's apartment and to hurt him. 

"Pressley, please let me go" "No" Pressley then kisses my neck and when she gets to my sweet spot, I have no choice but to moan her name "Pressley!" "Good girl, good girl" Pressley said as she takes her top off and she takes my top off and then she starts kissing my stomach and  I moan when she kisses my stomach "Pressley!" "Good girl, good girl" Pressley said, we then heard a knock on the door. 

HER LITTLE GAME- Lilliana KetchmanWhere stories live. Discover now