Chapter 12

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Lilly's POV 

The next day...

On Monday morning I woke up in my own bed in my own house to my phone blaring into my ear, I slowly opened my eyes and I turn to turn my alarm off. My body feels exhausted but I know I need to get up. 

I climb out of my bed shivering as I take the covers off. I grab my hair brush and I start brushing my hair. I tie my hair back into a low ponytail and I put a baggy sweatshirt overtop of my tank top. 

I slowly walk downstairs to see Siobhan at the stove. "Lilly, I made breakfast!" She says as she passes me a plate with ego waffles and fried eggs "Classy" I say as I sit at the counter. Siobhan comes and she sits besides me but she doesn't say anything. 

"I told Brady" I mumble and I take a bite of the egg. "You did what?" Siobhan asks dropping her fork. The sound of the fork dropping makes me flinch. "I told Brady" I repeat myself. "I heard you the first time" Siobhan whispers, completely in shock. 

I don't tell her I told him more then what she knows. I love Siobhan but for some reason, I don't want to talk about it with her. I also don't tell her about the cuts. She would demand to see my wrist and then she would see that there are new ones. What I've found is that if you don't mention it, nobody asks. 

I finish my plate in silence and then I hop off the stool. "Gotta get ready for dance" I say running upstairs. I lay on my bed and I grab my phone to text the girls, my sister and Brady in the group chat. 

After we talk for a bit and plan our outfits I get dressed. I put on the ALDC shirt and hoodie along with some leggings and slip on my adidas shoes. 

"Lilly!, Come on, we have to go!" My mom yells up the stairs. I grab my bag and got out to my mom's car. "Lunch?" My mom asks "Yep!" I lied with a smile. 

HER LITTLE GAME- Lilliana KetchmanWhere stories live. Discover now