Chapter 1

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normal POV
It was a cold winter night a girl that appears to be around the age of 20 was running , covered in scratches and brushes. In the abandoned park only her huffing and the clashing of her heels can be heard. Behind her another set of footsteps dashing at her. This woman was named Selest , she had dark brown hair and blue eyes. Selest felt a sharp knife being pushed deeper into her back , Selest was running away from her kidnapper who had tortured her for a few hours.
Selest POV
I don't want to die , I don't want to die ...
Oh dear God please have mercy on my pitiful soul . I've tried changing but this is just fucking insane .   My legs feel numb I can barely run , I've been kidnapped and tortured for the past few hours... Chained, scarred you name it , that fucker is a sadist and a killer on top of all that. In the corner of my eye I see something shine, some sort of metal that turned out to be a knife. It was being pushed into me my one clear and pale skin was no more . The pain was excruciating I felt my body shivering.I feel down unable to run anymore , heavily breathing looking at my killer straight in the eyes. How pitiful indeed , if I was going to die at least let Truck-kun run me over.
( Yeah thanks Truck-kun really had to give the poor girl trouma issues assho#e)
I feel a warm liguid around me probably my blood , everything is turning dark the laugh of the lunatic killer is fading . I feel as if I'm drifting into a deep sleep.
Suddenly I see white all around I cover my eyes to have time to adjust to the sudden change .
In front of me stood a boy with white hair , beautiful and enchanting blue eyes as deep as the sea. He was wearing a white robe and had an holy aura around him .
Then his pink kissable lips parted and he said:
" Hello Selest I am Ryan , an angel who's here to guide you through the new world you will be reborn in ."
"Indeed and I'm stuck with you , so let's get along "
So I did die huh well fuck it I had it coming I didn't have much to live for before this so it's whatever.
"Where will I be reborn?" I asked the Ryan
" A fantasy world of course , it's the best for both sides. Remember the last otome game ur fancy ass played , well let's say the aftermath is a bunch of bs that needs taking care of "
"What do you mean by that?" I asked
Ryan had a meschivious grin on his face and just said :" Don't worry too much , this is gonna be fun , so sleep now." He put his hand on my forehead and I was once again enveloped in darkness.

Ryan POV

Damn I wanted to watch some more anime , well whatever. I then received information about the soul I was going to guide.
I was pleasantly surprised to find out she was an otaku , what was even more surprising was her mission " Save the pretty boys or a civil war will come " Wow God really overdid himself this time. Then the girl was transferred in front of me  had silky brown hair and light blue eyes .
When I introduced myself she kept her talking to a minimum . I read her mind but didn't respond , but saying something about my lips being kissable really hit me. Most mortals would be scared or kneeling before me , crying etc... But she kept her calm and excepted the fact that she died.*Chuckle*She was a otaku just like me , so I simply said that it would be fun and put her to sleep. Now the real fun begins.

( No shit Sherlock )

Selest Pov
I suddenly felt immense pain  I wanted to scream but couldn't I saw light and felt the pressure of something pushing me out . Then I started crying , wait.... Don't tell me I'm a baby aren't I ?! Well shit.
To be continued...

Ok there's a lot of guestions like wtf does Ryan mean clean up some bs from the after story ? In what sense did God overdo himself? Well stay tuned and find out . Till next time , adios !

[ADOPTED]In order to survive I have to save the capture targetsWhere stories live. Discover now