Flug saw the tentacles coming for him and he got scared. He climbed faster. Blackhat moved faster but this only increased Flug's fear and, running out of options, Flug jumped off the curtains anD WAS NOW FREE FALLING?!?! Blackhat rushed to move his tentacles and caught the suicidal fur ball just before hitting the floor. Flug squeaked in surprise and clawed the tentacle holding him. Blackhat brought Flug to his face. Flug shrank in Blackhat's gaze which was a mixture of shock and anger.

"What were you thinking, you idiot?! If you want to end your miserable life then do it outside! I don't want your body's fluids staining the carpet." He growled. He would never admit it but he was a little bit rattled.

Blackhat hates cats. If he was holding a different cat he would have set it in flames by now. But this was Dr.Flug. Blackhat still needed him to function a few more decades before he would let him throw his life away. The adrenaline he felt when he saw his tiny scientist jump was something he had felt before.  Flug had a bad habit of putting himself in danger.

He released his grip and dropped the cat. Flug fell with a yelp and landed with a thump. "Have you figured out how to reverse this?" Blackhat asked.

Flug looked up at his towering boss and shrank. His fur was spiked and Blackhat could see the cat shaking. Flug slowly shook his bagged head "No".
"Then what are you doing fooling around!? Get back to work!" Blackhat yelled, pointing at the door.

Flug flinched violently when Blackhat raised his hand and threw himself back towards the door. Flug still had the limp from earlier but that didn't stop him from moving quickly towards the exit. When he was but a few inches from the door he stopped and turned his head towards the left side of the room; the little brown ears twitching from the top of the bag.

Blackhat looked in the direction Flug was but didn't see anything. With a growl he yelled- "Get out!" and Flug resumed his fleeing.

Blackhat had to open the door for him but the cat was quick on his feet.

It was maybe thirty minutes later, Blackhat was just finishing the stack of papers he was filling when he heard a small scraping noise. He lifted his head and scanned the room. He didn't see anything out of the ordinary and the noise stopped. Blackhat shrugged it off, assuming it was probably someone in the house doing it, and he resumed filling the papers. Then suddenly he heard it again.

He could barely hear it and couldn't tell where it was coming from. Lifting his head again he looked around the room this time more slowly. He looked to the right; the fireplace in the corner wasn't lit, the paintings were in their places, and his favorite chair with the small table by the fireplace was where they should have been. He looked to the left, the bookshelves were still, and next to the doors, his wine and poisons pantry seemed fine.

The noise would start and stop repeatedly. Blackhat stood up from his desk and began searching for the thing responsible for the annoying sound. After searching for thirty minutes without success Blackhat was more than annoyed.  He looked behind every book, outside his office, and looked at his desk but couldn't find the culprit.

He was more than annoyed. Where was that blasting noise coming from!? Blackhat decided he couldn't stay in his office right now and stormed out to walk into the hallway. He decided to check on Flug while he took a break. If Dementia attempted to eat him earlier then who's to say she wouldn't try again?

Blackhat walked to the lab and upon entering he heard the pitter-patter of small footsteps run across the floor.  He turned his head to the left to see Flug carrying a vile of chemicals in his mouth at an awkward angle. The cat was having trouble walking straight due to his limp; he tried not to spill the contents of the vile but wasn't fully successful. Flug noticed Blackhat's presence and he froze; his once sleek fur immediately spiked up in surprise and fear.

Blackhat only scowled at the furball staring at him with that stupid look on the bag. "How far have you progressed?"

The cat only shrank in on itself, backing away slowly, and looked around the room. Not getting an answer only annoyed Blackhat and he stomped towards the cat. Flug dropped the vile, the chemicals spilled on the floor with an audible sizzling sound coming from it, and he tried to run but Blackhat was quicker than him and picked him up by the scruff of his neck. Flug went limp as Blackhat held him to eye level. "Answer me, you moron!"

Flug could only stare as the presser point on his neck was held tightly, not letting him move his body except his eyes. Blackhat growled when he still didn't get an answer. He obviously didn't expect a vocal answer but his imbecile of a scientist didn't even give him a hint of communication. Flug looked at him then looked at the table next to them. Blackhat followed his gaze to the table.

There was a mess of spilled chemicals, scribbled notes, and a large container that held more strange liquid. Blackhat looked back at the cat in his grasp and finally understood. Blackhat hummed as he tried to read the terribly written notes. Then he looked at the discarded viles of empty chemicals and read them. From what he understood from the notes it was a list that contained the steps and measurements of the chemicals. There were a lot of steps, and from the looks of it, Flug wasn't anywhere close to completing it.

It made sense that Flug had a difficult time recreating what he did, being a cat and all, but this was even more problematic than Blackhat first thought. Flug was the only one who could recreate what he did and he couldn't do it because of his feline body. Blackhat recognized the words "heat" and "shake" and knew it would be extremely difficult if not impossible for Flug to do that by himself. Flug would need someone to help him.

Blackhat immediately dismissed the idea of 5.0.5 helping him. That clumsy buffoon would do something wrong and end up killing Flug. And Dementia was out of the question. Especially since she already tried to eat Flug. So that left only one person.

With a sigh of irritation and surrender, Blackhat closed his eyes in a last attempt to think of someone else but couldn't. He opened his eyes and stared at Dr.Flug; his limp body still just staring at him with a scared expression. Blackhat slowly lowered Flug to the table and released his grip. Flug stood and shook his body as if he was wet then stared at his boss. Blackhat put both of his hands on the edges of the table and leaned in slightly to look Flug in the eyes.

"Since you're useless, it seems I'll need to assist you in recreating your device. I will help, with your guidance, till we turn you back. But just remember: you are still getting punished after this. You know how much I hate cats." Blackhat said. Flug quickly nodded in understanding.

Blackhat took off his coat and draped it on a nearby chair then rolled his sleeves up and started working.

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