The villain looked at her with an equally stubborn face. He raised an eyebrow and said, "You asked for it."

This made Adrien think about the first fight his lady and he had against Hawkmoth. How all her insecurities vanished when he consoled her. How she stood up to Hawkmoth and kicked his butterflies. Literally.

"What's all this about the cat miraculous though" Marinette turned her head behind and asked in a comical manner.

Adrien gave a brief explanation about the miraculous and the superheroes and her being ladybug.


"Now, if you two have had your sweet talk, I'd like your miraculous. I'll ask for Ladybug's death when I get my hands on them. Oh, wait. I have an even better idea. How about, I'll ask for everyone to forget everything about Ladybug! I'll wipe her very existence! Nobody would remember her then all the attention would be on me! Yes! I like that." He smirked.

"See, I appreciate your efforts in trying to help me but this is dangerous and I need you to head back home. I'll handle this guy. And I promise, by the time I'm done with him," He glared at the guy, "He won't even have to guts to say 'Miraculous' again."

"That sounds cool and all, but you shouldn't exactly underestimate the power of Luck. You may have experience. But the Ladybug miraculous has luck. Contrary to the cat miraculous. How do you suppose Bridgette was able to catch up to Ladybug's power so quickly? It was all Tikki, the ladybug kwami. She may not like it, but she has to give equal abilities to all of her holders. Quite fair, don't you think?" He smirked.

"Bri was Ladybug too?"

"She sorta had the miraculous for twelve years while the former Ladybug was gone. She was your twin, so, it wasn't much of a problem."


"Please, go Marinette. You are Ladybug. You always make the right choice. Please make one now too."


"Mari, please."

"Get over with it quickly. I'm kind enough to let you have a last conversation today. She'll be forgotten by the break of dawn tonight." He sneered.

"Did Ladybug ever leave you alone?"


"Did Ladybug ever leave your side during battle? No matter how hard it got, did she leave you alone?"


"Did she?"


"Great. Because I'm not either. She may have had superpowers, but I don't need those to kick his butt. I have a feeling my muscle memory is quite intact." She raised a fist.

"As you wish, M'lady. But don't go too far and always stay behind me."


"Let's go, m'lady. Plagg, Claws Out!" Adrien transformed into the one and only-

"Chat Noir." The villain smirked.

"WOAH!!!! THAT'S HOW YOU TRANSFORM!? SO COOL! I swear bug guy, I want my miraculous back." She ordered.

"That's why you want it? To be cool? Shallow reason to be a hero."

"That's exactly why she's a hero. She's cool and protects Paris while kicking Akuma butt in style." Chat Noir smirked as he lunged forward to punch the villain.

He successfully landed a punch on him.

The villain, calling himself Lordbug, groaned in disgust and frustration.

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