Tag 1

13 3 4

First tag in this book.

I've been tagged before but i didn't do it cause I'm lazy as always  -__- ;

Ok yall. I'm doing this cus i don't have anything better to do

Tag rules:
-Who mentioned you?
-Do it less then three days
-Say 10 things about yourself
-Tag 28 people
-Put a title for the tag
-Tell a joke
-Write a spoiler for one of your stories
-Put these rules on your tag


1. Tagged by _xphnmn
2. Done, boyo
3. K
- I have a back of a boy
- I have a breathing problem (lol)
- I'm obsessed with legs 👀
- I've once made a choker 👀 out of boredom 👀
- I'm lazy af
- Nothing is interesting about me
- I love all animals
- I can write with right and left hand, but with left hand, I'm still not that great
- I'm easily bored
- I have BIG imaginations but i just can't pour it out.

See, nothing interesting

4. Too much people, bruh. Ihatesnakeu565
I literally don't know who to tag (°v°;)
Either, people already have someone that tagged them or they don't have a tag book.

5. "Stupid tag that make you tag other people except the one who tagged you"

Yup, that's good.

6. What do you call a ball that can dance elegantly?

A "ball"erina
yeah i suck

7. So i have an upcoming book that I'm too lazy to write. So it's gonna take some looooooong time. It's a ship.
It's NamKook. Not gonna say anything else. That's enough.

8. Dun

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