Tag 3

6 2 0

I'm tired of this -__-

But here we go.

Tagged by _xphnmn

1. Favorite color
2. Had any OP?
3. Fave k group
4. Boy or girl group band?
5. Taekook or yoonmin
6. Dress or tshirt
7. Fave song
8. Yoonmin story recommend
9. Tag you so you can see the rec
10. Tell a joke
11. Fave genre
12. Reader or bad boy/girl
13. Boy or girl
14. Age
15. Jeans or skirt
16. Taggies


1. Pastel colors and black

2. If you're talking about surgery, no. If you're talking about poster, yes, kpop, no, game, yes, assassin's creed.

3. BTS

4. Both?

5. If i have to choose....taekook

6. T shirts

7. For now, butterfly effect by before you exit

8. I'm sorry. I'm not into yoonmin

9. I don't read yoonmin

10. Ok. I wanna tell a joke about sodium......hmm.....Na, you wouldn't get me-

11. Any genre that's interesting enough except romance.

12. I don't get it

13. Both. I'm both and i like both. I'm not bi, i'm gyneromantic

14. <

15. Jeans

16. Nah, they're all taken. I guess "tagen"-

A little drawing for you.

A little drawing for you

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