- Catching feelings -

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- He gets all blushy and chirpy around you more often. 

-His mode levels shoot up through the ceilings when he sees you. 

- Sometimes a nerves wreck around.

- All of that and he doesn't understand why you make him feel this way. 


- From the start, he already wants to marry you, but only because of your looks. Believe me, he asked you many many times. 

- He gets even more mushy with you and always give in to whatever you say. 

- He notices immediately that he is in love with you and only hopes that you love him back. 

- He would make up scenarios of the two of you being together and blush about it. 


- He doesn't grasp the idea of love so he couldn't tell what was that warm feeling he's getting whenever you smiled. 

- He would only focus his attention to you and ignore the rest of existence when around you.

- He would blush madly under his mask whenever Tanjiro or Zenitsu tease about you guys, however, you had no idea what they're saying.

- He would always try to push away the feeling and ignore it.


- It took him a while before feeling anything special for you. He had always viewed you as a friend. 

- Whenever, you two had a discussion, he would admire at your confidence and get lost in your voice. 

- This boy can't contain the feeling inside him and would always be a blushing messy whenever you complimented him or even just smile.


- He might be emotionless, but his body fails him, he blushes a lot, sometimes not even knowing he is. 

- Didn't have a clue what the feeling he had means and does understand why. 

- He suddenly does random things such as buying you your favourite snack or help you to polish your sword just to be with you.

- This boy would start smiling more when you're around, at one point he actually laughed at you clumsy self. 


- He is a tomato. 

- He hides his feelings under a tough mask, hoping to hide it but fails. You notice and kept teasing him about it, however you took it lightly.

- He seems to be more protective near you even though you told him you could handle yourself. 

- He tries everything to make you smile, since he loves your smile, even if it means you would be teasing him.

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