Lesson Learned

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If there is one thing I hate with a passion, like absolutely detest is Maths. Just doing it is physically painful for me and understanding that damn subject is just an impossible task. Now I know that humans can do anything if they put their heart to it but trust you me I put my heart, brain, liver, kidney any every other organ available but nope, it just flew right over my head. Now my father is a physics lecturer kinda ensured a big ass scolding if I scored less in math, but for me scoring less is not my problem my mission is to at least pass the exam.

To add to the agony, our school used to have these series of class tests before parents teachers meeting so a clear view could be presented to the parents ( as if parents already didn't know what their brats are up to). Anyways my record was pretty nice except the red mark in maths column.
But this time I was prepared to remove that mark and show to the world I was above maths in whatever way possible.

See the problem was not only the structure of the subject but firstly it's difficult to remember the formula, then if you remember it, implementing it in the question and actually solving it and if by any chance you are doing it well up till now then in the last you will do a 'silly mistake' like will write 2 times 6 as 18 in the end or mess up a single + or a - sign and boom your answer is wrong and all the damn effort down the drain. So the tests started and we landed in trigonometry. I promise I would honestly murder Pythagoras if he would still have been alive. Now for the life of me, I cannot remember tan, sin, cos formula and even if by luck I remember I can never ever equate RHS = LHS equation.

I came up with a plan, we used to have test copies for maths and were required to do tests in them only so that performance record can be maintained. I wrote all the formulas on the last page of that notebook with a pencil so when needed help can be taken by copying those. These tests were not going to be added in finals so many students use to cheat so why can't I ( that's what I told to my conscious). If a little bit of cheating can save my ass from my father then I am up for it.

Plan was set, no chances of getting failed, a teacher going to supervise the test was a substitute for our maths teacher who had no idea of our devilish class, so in all my future was looking bright and finally, the D day arrived. As the test was going to start I was confident and just then my luck betrayed me. Amit sir, our maths teacher entered ( our real maths teacher who knew our class was good for nothing ), utter silence, not even a peep, just then many of us knew we are doomed.

You know very long back ago there was a cruel dictator Hitler who tortured people, cold heart, strict personality, ya that one that's what Amit sir is but yeah with added trait of sarcasm in him. He wrote the questions on the board, the exam started and so did he with his rounds. I started with questions which I knew a bit and kept an eye on him.

When he reached the other side, I started my mission. Being the great actor I am, I pretended to be amidst a difficult calculation and then went to the last page, while keeping an eye on the shark who was out for hunting. This entire thing was exhausting and I was sweating rivers so I asked water from Mukul, my friend and a topper who was sitting behind me and he knew my entire plan. For a single second sir and I had an eye connection and I immediately went back to work.

I wrote the formula and started solving but of course, was not able to. I rechecked the formula from back it was right so what was the problem. I left that question and went to another one and started to copy the formula but Mukul was distracting me a lot. He kept squirming in his seat and kept making shuffling noises of papers. It's hard enough to solve the question but with all these noises I was not able to concentrate and decide which formula will go with this question. "These pages better stop shuffling or I will personally make them stop", came the cold voice exactly from my back.

My heart dropped, he is standing behind me; the last page is open; Oh my god. With all the courage I had, I looked up and saw him, one look at him and I knew that he knew. I looked towards Mukul and seeing his sorry face, it dawned upon me that all that noise, he was trying to warn me that He is close. I am a big idiot. I gulped and again look towards him, " what happened my child, come on you have the formulas solve the question ".

See I am the type of the person that surrenders than fighting an already lost fight. I stood up remembered all the gods that I know of, to save me from the mighty shark and squeaked a " sorry sir " with my head low not daring to make eye contact. Maybe he will take me to the principal, maybe cancel my test, will definitely tell my father. Thinking of my father I teared up a little but not dared to cry in front of the class. He waited for a few seconds, took my copy and checked what I have done so far.

" You are a brilliant and an exceptional student ", wait, I am what now, everyone was looking at me now (no wonder its a surprise for them as well). " A gifted one, have all the formulas at your hand and still not able to solve a single question, it's a miracle you have reached 10th standard up till now". Everyone started laughing and heat rushed to my face. He quickly silenced everyone and told them to go back to work. He took my copy to his table and I followed him, steeling myself for an upcoming scolding.

" Let's make a deal, I will not inform this about to your father or principal but you have to solve the questions using whatever formulas you already have. You want to cheat, fine but now solve them if anything at least be a good cheater" I was astounded, that was a masterstroke and I don't know what to do, I cannot solve them. He graciously pulled his own chair for me, gestured me to sit and start solving.

When I sat on the chair, sir's entire concentration was on me and I so eagerly wanted to tell him that the boys at the back were cheating as well but I ain't a snitch plus it's not going to help me. So squeezing my brain very hard I tried to solve those evil questions ( key word being tried), every once in awhile earning a pssst or an angry scoff or a sarcastic comment from him. Only god knows how I managed to solve 3 questions out of 7 from which 1 was wrong. Oh, the whole ordeal was utterly embarrassing and got me a punishment of writing those formulas on the board for an entire month.

Even after facing the entire shit storm, my father saw the red mark on maths and so heard an earful from him as well. Someone up their must really hate me I just cannot catch a break. So I learned a very important lesson, cheating from the last page of the notebook is a bad idea, maybe you can have chits or you can cheat from each other but the last page is a bad idea that way you have the evidence on you and if your teacher is anything like Amit sir just don't bother to do anything anyway.

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