Chapter 5

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~When Vanessa left the room~

"Where do you think you're going," Magna asked Luck, Luck was flustering hard out that it was very clear on his face. Luck tries to leave instead ends up with his back facing couch and Magna on top of him. Magna's lips were only about a few centimeters away from his. "What the heck!?" Magna said in disgust, "Sorry I tried getting away but we just Ummm ended up like that.... oh yeah I have to do something" Luck said normally trying to hide his heartbroken emotions.

~In Luck's room~

Luck went to his room and jumped onto the bed and sobbed into the sheets. Vanessa entered the room and witnessed what happened when she left Magna and Luck alone, "I'm sorry Luck, I shouldn't have left you" Vanessa said in a guilty voice. "It wasn't your fault... It was mine because I fell in love with him and all you did was trying to help me" Luck whimpered. 

~After Vanessa left Luck's room~

Someone slips a letter underneath Luck's door room, Luck noticed it the moment it was slid into his room. Luck opened the door immediately to see who it was but no one was there that's. Luck look through both ways of the corridors since he couldn't find anyone, he went back inside his room to read the letter.

Meet me at my room when everyone is going to sleep

We need to talk


"So it was Magna that wrote this letter... " Luck thought to himself.

~When everyone is going to sleep~

Luck walked past his room and walked into Magna's room, "S-so what was it that you needed to talk about?" Luck said. "Luck... I heard what you were talking to Vanessa in your room" Magna said seriously, Luck didn't know how to react but covered his face and started crying. "You might think I'm disgusting right..." Luck whimpered, Magna grabbed Luck's waist and pushed him onto the bed. Luck was confused, so he uncovered his bright red face but closed his eyes very tightly and feel Magna face close to his, just like on the couch. "Wh-what are you doing?" Luck whispered so his lips wouldn't touch Magna's lips.

Magna had pinned Luck down on the bed. Before Luck said what he wanted, Magna kissed Luck lip to lip. Luck was shocked and he gave in to the kiss and they did other Dirty stuff.

~In the morning~

"Good morning everyone-" before Captain Yami could finish his sentence, everyone had realized that Magna and Luck were holding hands and that they both came out of the same room. Vanessa started grinning at Luck, "Luck and Magna, you did IT  right~?". Luck nodded and Vanessa started fangirling but everyone else was confused about what Luck and Magna did. 

~When Luck and Magna left the base~

"Did they make a new combo attack?" everyone said while talking in the corner. "Vanessa, please tell us what Luck and Magna did!?" everyone continuously asked Vanessa. Vanessa whispered to them what happened between them, everyone was quiet but Captain Yami knew from when Vanessa said: "Luck and Magna, you guys did IT  right~?".

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