Chapter 34: Eternity and the Solace of Space

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"Stark, you know that's a one-way trip," Rogers answers, confused and a little disgruntled.

Dad kept quiet, as he tried to call mom on the line. Just as dad is about to pass the tip of the Tower, I propelled myself upwards, putting everything into the thrusters and using my powers to lessen gravity's pull on me and dad. As I catch onto dad, I latch myself on the nuke, as I keep my head straight into the portal, eyes locked on the vast blue, black, and purple of the other side.

And then... Darkness. It was... Terrifying. It was everything and nothing all at once, as I watched the call to Mom fail, and my dad disconnect from me. Before he does, I hear a quiet gasp from dad, and I tap into his mind.

"It's okay," I say quietly under my breath as JARVIS disconnects. Dad lets go of the nuke, paralyzed as I watched the nuke head straight for the Mothership. Oh God this is space. This is another world of danger and the thought that one Cube can access this much horror.

I watched, unable to move. The looming figure of the ship exploding in the color of red and orange, an almost stifled explosion resonating in the empty space. As if I was under water. The bright colors illuminates my eyes, as I lull my father to sleep, letting my powers guide me through the mass space of stars and gas. I will my body to move amidst my lack of oxygen, as I clap twice to generate an energy field around my dad, finding it impossible to include me due to the lack of mobility and strength to think properly. He isn't moving. The flaps were engaged but it isn't enough. He needs a push. He needs to get out. He needs to come home. With everything I have, I gather all energy, every sense of vibration I can feel and push my dad out. I do my best to push him out of the sea of stars and suns, and as I watch the portal close, I see my dad fade out alongside it. He made it. He made it. He's home.

And as I watch the nothingness? I sleep.

Third Person's Point Of View

A small body floated aimlessly in space, as the Chitauri Mothership exploded before her closed eyes. She breathes shallow, a few puffs of white air clouding her lips. She looked peaceful. Her hair astray in a halo, her cape billowing behind her pulsing with a magnetic blue light, her grey and white suit reflecting the stars in the sky.

On Earth, Chitauris fell dead on their feet. Captain America and Thor watched in relief and sorrow knowing what they may have lost, Hulk stopped, admittedly tired, and Natasha didn't bother to look around, her eyes focused up as she waited, and waited, for someone, anyone to fall down the clouds where the portal have been. She prayed. She fucking prayed to a God she didn't believe just to get Iron Man back. Just to get Tony Stark back. Just to get Elizabeth Stark back.

And there it was. A flash of red and gold and she almost smiled if it weren't for the fact that someone, that Elizabeth Anthony Stark should've been with him. She waited and waited and waited, even after Hulk caught the Tinman, she waited and prayed harder. But there was no one there. Only a sea of cloud where an open portal used to be.

"Protocol 13-HTAED in effect," came JARVIS' sorrow-filled voice in her comms.

"This message is limited only to those Miss Stark has deemed worthy. Playing, record one-" a slight crackle, and suddenly she was hearing her voice.

"So if you're hearing this, then that means Protocol 13-DEATH has been initiated. It means I'm dying and immobile or have already died. Depends on the situation," Natasha falls on her knees, lets go of the scepter and lets her tears fall, mouth open in horror, in shock.

JUST A LITTLE BROKEN|| t. s.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin