Welcome to South Park!

Start from the beginning

The sun was still high in the sky, so you could tell it was two or three. I mean, You checked your phone like ten minutes ago but you wanted to feel smart so let's just say you could tell by the position the sun was in. You looked both ways on the empty street and decided that left was the direction that you wanted to go in. You walked on the sidewalk, looking around at the new environment. It seemed peaceful here, and you kinda liked it. You continued to walk when you heard footsteps fast approaching from behind. Thinking someone was about to rob you, which you really didn't have anything on you of value, you turned quick and raised your fist, ready to punch the culprit. The said culprit was a boy, no older then you. He had blonde locks and and a goofy expression on his face. His outfit consisted of a turquoise jacket and dark jeans. You looked at him, and waited for a reason as to why he decided that running full speed behind a stranger was a smart decision.

"Oh, Jeez, I didn't mean to scare you! I Just saw you come from your house and wanted to say hello! I'm Butters! Butters Stotch! I live right next door!" The blonde happily told you. You nodded, slowly lowering your fist. He seemed like an Innocent type. Probably got persuaded into doing things. What a small bean.

"Well, I'm (Y/n). I'm glad you're nice, otherwise I probably would've rocked your shit." You said, Chuckling at the thought of you accidentally knocking this poor boys teeth in.

"Rocking my shit? Huh, Never heard that one before! Wanna come over! My parents were talking about wanting to meet the new neighbors!" Butters said, and before you could really give an answer he grabbed your wrist before dragging towards his house, well technically both of your houses since you live next door to each other. You let him drag you, he seemed harmless. He dragged you towards the Rustic red colored house that was right beside your own, pulling you up the stairs and opening the door. You looked around. It was alright. The colors were bothering you slightly, with the green walls and orange Carpet, but you wouldn't judge for now. At least not out loud. You looked over to see a man sitting on the blue couch reading a magazine as the Tv played in the background. By the sounds you assumed that someone else was in the kitchen.

"Hey Mom and Dad, I met the new neighbor and brought her with me!" Butters said, Which caused his dad to turn and look at you and the sounds in the kitchen to stop, seeming to come and meet you, if you had to guess.

"Well, It's nice meeting you. I'm Stephen Stotch, and This is my wife Linda." He said, as the mentioned woman came up to stand with him and smile. I slightly smiled back.

"Hi, I'm (Y/n) (L/n). My mom and I just moved here." You said awkwardly, as butters stood beside you, not seeming to notice the awkward situation he put you in.

"Well, I think it would be lovely to meet your mother. Why don't you both come over for dinner?" Linda asked politely in her soft tone. It's not like you could say no, as she would probably ask your mom personally if you didn't say yes.

"Uh, Yeah Im sure my mom would really like that. I'll make sure to tell her right when I get home." You said, trying to make it obvious that you wanted to leave.

"Then it's settled. Butters, why don't you take your friend here home so she can tell her mommy." Linda said, looking at Butters. Butters nodded, then he took your elbow and led you back out the door. Right when the door closed you let out of a sigh of relief that you didn't know you were holding in.

"Some of my friends are also coming over for dinner tonight, so you can meet them too! Oh man this is gonna be so cool!" Butters said while walking beside you to the short distance to your house. You simply smiled at him before looking over to see your moms car parked back in it's original place. As you were about to walk up the stairs you looked at butters.

The Tales of South Park Debauchery ( South park x reader) Where stories live. Discover now