Love Always Finds A Way

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I just want you to know, if you are reading this and are feeling lonely, rejected, outcasted, like an outsider, etc., I completely get it. But you're about to hear is 100% true. You will find your love/true friends/people eventually. I completely garuntee you will. It will take awhile, there will be pain, struggle and hardship, but you will get there and once you do, enjoy every second of it. How do I know?'s my story. Growing up, people just didn't like me. I had no friends, and was often left out or bullied, by both kids and adults. I struggled to fit in, but mainly make friends. To everyone around me, I was just a liability and they made sure to say it to my face. I didn't have any real friends, or family for that matter, because I got the same treatment from them. I didn't know what a friend was, I figured they were imaginary comforts. I had spent more time in psychologist's offices with my mom trying to "fix" me, than time on a playground. For years the hate around me continued, I still have self-worth problems from them, but in 5th grade... They came. Now, it wasn't at first. Two of them I already knew, but we were both scared to call each other friends. One needed warming up. We weren't established until....a new girl got transferred to our class. After a mishap with a purple crayon, that turned terrifying, we began to bond. Soon we became something incredible! I found my people,my sisters, my friends. I was so scared to leave them, I had a breakdown on the night before 5th grade graduation. Being with them was a wild,weird, and remarkable experience. The next schoolyear, I missed them, but I slowly began forming new friends, just a true. Maybe you're like me, having to wait years in misery for this, but it's worth it, I promise.

buddybwllabubbles, Panintheabyss,ahdjzjidiehbdbd, and of course, The Lovely Abby. If you don't remember this, it's okay. Thank you for forming me as a person, and being my fellow penguins in weirdness. Stuff fades with time, I know, and that's perfectly okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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