Chapter 2

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Most of the group blinked awake when they began to hear soft piano music coming from somewhere in the palace. Ben stretched, rubbing his eyes. "Sorry guys. Forgot to tell you Aza might be our alarm clock."

Jay groaned and checked his phone. "It is way too early. How is she even awake?"

Ben shrugged. "She got it from our mom and Mrs. Potts I think."

"I didn't know she still played." Jane commented as everyone began to stand up.

"Of course she does." Mal scoffed with a small smile. "You're silent to the world, you have to find ways to express yourself without words."

"This song's really pretty." Gil interjected. 

A few nodded in agreement. Ben listened for a second. "It's 'Edelweiss' from The Sound of Music. She always loved that song." Mal and Evie smiled lightly. "Come on. I'm sure she's willing to give us a show before breakfast."

Harry smiled and tried to not seem eager as they all followed the king to a large door. He quietly opened the door and the piano music spilled out. Azalea sat on the bench of a beautiful grand piano with her back to the door, her fingers gliding gracefully over the keys. Uma smirked when she saw Harry essentially become entranced by the princess's playing.

The song slowed before it came to a soft end and Azalea lifted her hands with a breath. She jolted nearly off the bench when the group started to applaud her.

She turned to face them and they saw that she still wore her mask. A different one though. This one was black with a golden lace overlay. She blushed darkly when she saw them.

"I forgot how beautifully you play." Audrey complimented.

Azalea nodded her thanks. She started gesturing and Jane translated her signing. "She says sorry for waking you up but she wanted to practice after she ate."

"You already ate breakfast?" Ben asked. 

Azalea nodded. "Well at least it was a pleasant alarm sound." Uma commented. 

"How long have you played?" Harry asked. Azalea couldn't stop the light blush that formed when he looked at her.

"Since she was young." Ben answered. "Music is one of the skills princesses typically learn and after she became mute, she started practicing more and learning other instruments."

"Hold up. How many instruments do you play?" Uma asked.

Azalea held up three fingers with a proud smile hidden under the mask. She pointed to the piano, a cello on the other side of the room, and a harp near one of the windows. Uma nodded, impressed. 

"Got anything for us before we go to breakfast?" Evie asked.

Azalea nodded and turned back to the keys. The group stood around the piano and she glanced at each of them. Harry could see her smirk under her mask when she looked at the three pirates. She flexed her fingers and launched into an expertly performed piece that made the pirates smile.

(Start at :26)

Everyone watched in awe as her fingers flew across the keys, never missing a single note. Harry was mesmerized trying to follow her fingers with his eyes but they were almost too fast for him to do so.

The final notes sounded and the group applauded once again. "I need a recording of that to play at every fight we have from now on." Uma laughed.

Azalea smiled, her eyes lighting up and making Harry smile in return. 


After they had eaten, most of the group departed but Mal held Harry back. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" The future queen asked. Harry nodded and followed Mal back into the lounge where she turned to him. "What do you think of Aza?"

Harry raised an eyebrow. "What do ya mean?"

"Exactly that." Mal said. "You think you're sneaky, Hook, but I know your tricks. You were watching Azalea all last night and were practically hypnotized by her music this morning. So... what do you think of her? And I want the truth."

Harry blew out a breath. "She's gorgeous. That's the first thing I noticed about her." Mal nodded as he continued, "I don't know. I guess I'm just intrigued by her."

"So... you want to get to know her better?" Mal asked. Harry nodded, fiddling with his hook nervously. Mal smiled lightly. "That's... really great, Harry."

"Excuse me?"

"I met Aza when Ben and I first became serious." She explained. "She's become a good friend but now that I'm marrying him, she's going to become my sister. Suffice it to say I know her. I haven't seen her smile or blush like she did with you the entire time I've known her."

"What are ye saying?" 

She took a breath. "I'm saying that I want you to get to know her. To be around her more. She deserves to have someone who makes her smile like you do."

Harry smiled lightly, glancing in the direction of the music room. "She keeps to herself a lot." Mal continued. "Thinks down on herself a lot." Harry's attention snapped back to her. "I think it has to do with her being mute. Ben said it didn't happen by choice but none of the family will tell me anything more. Harry, I know you're a flirt and kind of insane."

Harry snorted a laugh. "Puttin' it lightly, your majesty."

She rolled her eyes. "But I also know that you care about those you surround yourself with. I can already tell you care about Aza. At least a little bit. All I'm asking is for you to keep her smiling. In other words, get to know her, care about her, but don't hurt her." A green glow flashed in her eyes. "If you do, you'll have a few beasts to contend with."

Without another word, she turned and walked out of the room. Harry looked back in the direction of the music room, hearing faint piano notes coming from within. Mal was right about one thing. He's already started to care for Azalea.

And he'd be damned if he let anyone, especially himself, hurt her.

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