× epilogue ×

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hyunjin sighed as he felt the cold wall against his back

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hyunjin sighed as he felt the cold wall against his back. he leaned his head back, and closed his eyes, letting the silence overwhelm him.

"hey...are you okay?" a soft voice asked. 'or not...' hyunjin internally rolled his eyes before slowly opening one eye to reveal the cute boy in front of him.

hyunjin was taken aback at his immensely cute visuals that matched his perfectly balanced yet soothing voice. hyunjin may have blushed a bit, before opening both eyes.

"no." hyunjin said honestly, and the other boy let out a sweet smile, sitting down next to hyunjin. he turned to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"you wanna talk about it?" the boy asked, and hyunjin couldn't help but grin at that. this boy has a way with his words. he slowly nodded, and the boy was visibly now in 'listening' mode.

"i mean, there's not much to say. i broke up with my girlfriend because she's in love with someone else." hyunjin started, and seungmin looked at him with sympathy.

"i mean, i knew before she did, she's really oblivious... i really liked her though, and now i don't know what to do. i feel like i did the right thing, but i feel so... i don't know, please help me." hyunjin looked up at the boy with helpless eyes.

the boy furrowed his brows softly while thinking, making hyunjin's eyes widen and blush a little. his facial expressions were so cute... 'what the hell hyunjin, you literally just met the boy...'

"well theres not much i can really say to that. you seem to know what's up, and you're not being irrational about anything." the boy placed a hand on his chin, thinking harder.

"you know, if you ever need help, you can ask me. i think something that can help is a distraction. wanna come with me?" the boy smiled beautifully, and hyunin's heart fluttered.

"i would love to but..." hyunjin paused, the boy's face falling slightly from the positive facade he pulled off. hyunjin giggled at the visible change, and he stood up, facing the boy.

"i'm not going anywhere with a boy whose name i don't even know." hyunjin grinned, offering his hand. "hey. i'm hwang hyunjin." the other boy grinned at that, and took hyunjin's outstretched hand, pulling himself up.

"i'm seungmin. kim seungmin." [ok slayyyyy] the boy, no, seungmin responded cheekily, shaking hyunjin's hand lightly before dropping his hand by his side. hyunjin already missed the feeling of seungmin's hand in his.

seungmin started moving to the exit of the school, hyunjin right behind his heels. seungmin exited the school doors, and they walked past the school gate.

"hey, you never told me where we're going?" hyunjin ran up beside seungmin, and the boy turned to him, a small smirk on his face.

"i hope you like karaoke, because i'm going to crush you hwang." seungmin grinned, and he continued walking. hyunjin paused, chuckling at the strange way of addressing the latter used. he caught up with seungmin, and strolled beside him.

"oh you're on kim."


wrong boy; kanemoto yoshinoriWhere stories live. Discover now