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'it's been a week

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'it's been a week. a whole w e e k. and yoshi still hasn't spoken to me yet. what is wrong?? is it really because of....that?' yuyan pondered, as her chin rested on her palm.

'i'm so desperate that i can almost hear him calling my name...' yuyan thought, scoffing at her weird antics.






"YUYAN!!" hyunjin shouted, finally catching the attention of the spaced out chinese girl. she jumped, startled by the outburst.

"huh?" yuyan asked, and hyunjin massaged his temples for a few seconds before turning to yuyan again.

"yuyan, i've been calling your name [bop, hyunjin would agree] for the past three minutes!!" hyunjin said exasperatedly. yuyan grinned apologetically.

"sorry hyunjin...a lot has been on my mind, that's all." yuyan sighed, and hyunjin looked over at the girl in concern.

"you know you can tell me anything, right?" hyunjin reassured the girl, and she nodded. she took a deep breath before starting to explain.

"you know how yoshi hasn't been talking to me recently?" yuyan said, and hyunjin's face faltered as he heard the boy's name mentioned for the seventeenth time this week. he nodded for yuyan's sake.

"well i'm just really worried about him." a look of genuine concern and protectiveness covered yuyan's face, and hyunjin couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

"he hasn't contacted me, called me, or visited me, and that never happens!" yuyan rambled on, and she went on to explain the last time she saw him.

"it was at the arcade last week, and it was really fun, we both had fun. he said it was fun.." yuyan's face visibly brightened at the mention of the day, and hyunjin frowned a bit.

"and you know, i tried visiting him but-" yuyan was cut off by hyunjin sighing, and chuckling sadly.

"you're really oblivious, aren't you?" hyunjin smiled sadly. yuyan raised an eyebrow at her boyfriend.

"you talk about yoshinori all the time. you worry about him-" hyunjin said, and yuyan rushed to justify herself.

"we're just really good friends!!" yuyan defended, and hyunjin laughed in disbelief.

"no friend's whole face brightens after hearing their name once." hyunjin challenged yuyan, and she completely malfunctioned with that statement.

'could i....like yoshi??' yuyan wondered, blanking out, and hyunjin sighed in disappointment.

"you know, i really like you yuyan..but it's really clear you have your eyes on someone else. i'm honestly kinda hurt you didn't find out for yourself, and that your boyfriend had to tell you.." hyunjin said, and yuyan looked down in embarrassment and apology.

"i think we were meant to be friends." hyunjin said, his heart breaking, and with those eight words, their so called romantic relationship was over.

"by the way, you should shoot your shot as soon as you can. someone else might snatch that boy up soon." hyuniin reminded yuyan, and reality hit her.

she doesn't have a boyfriend.

hyunjin broke up with her.

why doesn't she feel any heartbreak?

wrong boy; kanemoto yoshinoriWhere stories live. Discover now