𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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June 15th, 2016

The large neon sign of the Chinese restaurant loomed over you as Bill turned the car into the large and mostly empty parking lot. Jade of the Orient, it read in a bold yellow font that stung your eyes. As you walked into the building, you found yourself blinking back at the humming brightness.

No mention had been made regarding your conversation in the car and you hoped it would stay that way. At least until you made it back to California and had to inevitably face the wrath of Audra. You pondered briefly if you would lose your job because of this. 

It had stopped raining just as you pulled up to the establishment and deep puddles wove around the dark pavement, rippling as you walked through them. Bill held the door open for you, allowing you to first enter the decided meeting place. Together the both of you walked deeper into the dimly lit building, following closely behind the hostess of the establishment.

As you passed by a walled-off alcove, someone cleared their throat and you instinctively turned your head toward the noise. Halfway shrouded in the darkness stood a tall figure, hands gripping the back of one of the plush green restaurant chairs. He seemed to be looking right at you. Ignoring the presence of both Bill and the hostess, you stepped closer.

"Hi." He spoke, timidly stepping around the table and into the dim overhead lighting. As his face revealed itself, an excited grin broke out on your face and you crossed the invisible barrier to jump up and wrap your arms around his neck. "Mike!" You laughed as he held you in place, embracing you with equal fervor. His smell brought you all the way back to your youth, albeit briefly. It reminded you of the library. Like old books and mothballs. "It's so great to see you guys again," He continued, dropping you back to your feet.

As you stepped back, Mike glanced between you and Bill as if he were connecting two dots. "I knew you would come. The both of you. Together." A certain pride radiated from him as he spoke. Bill and you gave each other a brief side-eye before turning back to Mike with polite smiles.

Bill shrugged and stepped forward to greet his old friend with a handshake. "An oath is an oath." For a moment he carried a pained expression on his face. "Losers have to..."

"Stick together," Both you and Mike finished the sentence for him. A breathy smile left Mike's lips and he gestured for you two to sit down.

Minutes went by and you watched from your semi-comfortable seat as the rest of the Losers trickled in one by one. When you got up to greet Eddie in the same fashion that you did with Mike, he took a step back and tilted his head to one side before sighing and allowing you to hug him around the neck. "Oh my God, you're still taller than me." He pulled back from the hug and briefly stood on his tippy toes before abandoning that idea. "Oh my God, why are you still fucking taller than me?"

You were about to apologize for bruising his ego when a loud crash filled your ears. You yelped and spun around to see Richie holding a large mallet against the decorative gong in the corner. Next to him stood who appeared to be a Brazilian supermodel. 

The more you squinted, the more you could recognize him as your friend, Ben Hanscom. After taking several mental snapshots, you waved in greeting and he did the same in return. In the back of your mind, you had an amusing thought. If Eddie was upset with you for being tall, wait until he saw how this guy turned out.

"This meeting of the Losers Club can officially begin!" Richie announced before claiming the empty seat to your right.

Before you knew what was happening, copious amounts of alcohol were being delivered to the table and a shot of what you assumed to be tequila was being forced into your hand which you downed without question. You could barely hear your own thoughts over the boisterous laughter of your friends accompanied by the clanging of tableware as the group dined casually on noodles and fried rice between jokes and conversation.

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