"Sir, I cannot and will not serve you anymore alcohol. I also will not bring your bill until you can sober up a little, so please just drink the water," I explained.

"Why should I have to listen to you?" he slurred again.

"Because I can call the police for public intoxication if you don't, and I don't think you want me to do that. So, if you drink the water and finish your food, I can bring your bill," I explained calmly with a fake smile on my face.

"You can't threaten me," he spat before picking up his glass of water and throwing it at me.

It took every ounce of strength in my being to not punch the man's teeth in, but instead, I grabbed the cup from him and walked away to refill it. Once I was behind the server's stand, I took a very shaky deep breath as I dried my face and tried to squeeze the water out of my jersey. I refilled the asshole's water and walked back out to the patio to drop it off. The other guys the asshole was with were trying to get the asshole to calm down and sober up, but I think the asshole is pretty hopeless. They pleaded some apologies to me, but their words mean nothing.

"You good?" Chandler asked as I walked up to their table.

"I hate this job. But yep, I'm fine, it's not like that's the first time I've had a drink thrown at me," I sighed, "at least there wasn't any lemon in that water."

I didn't want to look at Jimmy, since they obviously all saw what happened, but I felt ashamed of my position with Jimmy sitting here to watch. I took the guys food order and left to put in the order. I continued running around the restaurant, bussing tables, delivering drinks, serving food. When their food was done, I stacked the hot plates on my arms and carried them out to the guys.

"These plates are really hot, so please be careful," I looked directly at Chandler as I set his food down in front of him.

"Why are you looking at me?" Chandler asked offended.

"Because I have watched you burn your hands on these plates so many times," I laughed.

I placed all of their food in front of them, giving Jimmy his last. I was about to turn to walk away, but Jimmy lightly grabbed onto my wrist and looked at my arms. They were both bright red from the hot plates, but I was used to it.

"Nugget, you better be careful too," Jimmy whispered to me.

"I'm always careful," I whispered back.

I finished waiting on the rest of my tables as the restaurant was finally getting ready to close. I cleared all of my tables and pulled up a chair to the table the guys were still sitting at. Whenever Chandler came to see me at work, he always stays until I get cut before he leaves.

"You cut?" Chandler asked as I sat down.

"Not yet, I have to wait for Dani to finish her tables before they'll cut me," I explained.

"Then we're not going anywhere until you can leave," Chandler smiled.

"Why? You know I love you Chandler, but I'm sure y'all have much better things to do then sit here with me until they tell me I can leave," I laughed.

"No, we don't," Jimmy laughed, "why do you think we're still here."

"Because Chandler never passes up an opportunity to contribute to my suffering." I laughed.

"Hey! I wasn't that bad tonight," Chandler interjected.

"Surprisingly not," I laughed, "but you usually are."

"I am not!" Chandler argued.

"You are to, you're the brother I'm not related to," I laughed more, "you are the definition of an overprotective and in-your-face brother."

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