"Joe, you are being irrational. Your fiancée is five months pregnant and all alone in the house. I don't know why none of you wanted to hear her out but I flew my ass down here to speak to her. I did more listening than speaking because she is hurting, Amerie wanted a break from life and everybody has just disappeared out of her life." Galina sighs deeply. "If you don't come back to her now, you won't have a home to come back to. She was an independent woman before she met you, never forget that."


Galina left not long after to meet up with a few friends and I started getting ready for night ahead. My mom wanted to meet for dinner and I love spending time with her so I agreed.

Once I pull up at the restaurant, I have a member of staff lead me in through the back since I am still keeping my pregnancy a secret. I get myself seated in a private section and thankfully there is nobody around so I can just breathe.

"Amerie." My eyes widen at the sound of Joe's voice. I almost break down as I feel the pressure of his hand on my shoulder, instinctively my hand goes over his and I squeeze it. 

"Joe." My voice comes out strangled and I drop my head as my body begins to shake. I'm doing everything in my power to fight back the tears but I'm pregnant and these hormones have me acting out of character.

"Don't cry baby." He kisses my hair before bending down besides me so that we are face to face. "I'm sorry for leaving you."

"You should be

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"You should be." I cry as I wrap my arms around his neck, I press my face into the crook of his neck as I cry my eyes out for a couple of minutes.

"I'm sorry baby." He cups the back of my head as he kisses my shoulder and whatever skin he can touch. "I should have stayed to listen and I should have been more understanding towards your needs. You gave up your free time to take care of me and I didn't do the same for you."

I let out a sniffle as I tighten my grip around him.

"God, I'll never be able to forgive myself for leaving you alone."

I pull away from him, "It's ok, you're here now and that's all that matters to me."

"I love you." 

I look into his eyes for a moment, "I love you."

I'm still not happy with Joe declaring himself single so when he leans in for a kiss, I turn my head to the side.

"I'm hungry, we should order some food." I clear my throat.

"Um, ok." He stands to his feet and takes his seat opposite me. 

We fall into a comfortable silence as we flip through the menu. Once we have finally ordered, I just stare at Joe.

"What?" He gives me an uncomfortable look.

"Why did you say that you was single?" I look him in the eyes. "You was wrong as hell for saying that knowing that I would find out about it."

His eyes flicker to my left hand which is ringless, "Is that why you're not wearing your engagement ring?"

"If you said you was single," I lean forward, "then who the hell was I engaged to?"

"Amerie." I stop him.

"Don't do that, I thought that we were going to reconcile until you went and told the world that you was no longer in a relationship. Do you know how embarrassing that was for me?" I sigh. "I was out with my friends, wearing my engagement ring. I looked and felt stupid. It hurt that you couldn't tell me that it was over because if you had stuck around to listen, then you would have heard me tell you that I needed a break to be me."

"That's you basically saying that you don't want me." He argues back.

"Only because you are interpreting it in that way." I snap. "I took a break from everything to focus on me, I haven't been to work in a month. I have spent the last few weeks just enjoying myself and not having to worry about anything."

He doesn't respond, we just stare at one and another without saying a single word.

I feel tears beginning to surface again and I don't want to go through this again so I stand to my feet.

"I'm not going to do this, I was supposed to be meeting my mom for dinner but instead you are here in her place." I rub my lips together. "I never thought that things would get this bad between us but I have to put my foot down and know when to go so bye."

I start walking away and I can hear Joe following behind me but I pay him no mind as I take the back entrance.

"Amerie, don't leave."

I ignore him as I continue towards my car.

"Amerie." Joe grabs my arm and forces me to turn around, "We are not ending things like this, we aren't. You have been there for me in ways that I did not expect and I love you too much to let you go."

"You already did, you let me go." I cover my face as a sob forces it way out of my mouth. "Fuck you for making me cry."

"I know baby." He wraps his arms around me and for the second time this evening, I am crying in his arms. "Please forgive me."

Joe tightens his grip around my waist as he kisses my hair.

"Stop crying Amerie, please." He kisses my head. "You're breaking my heart."

"You already broke mine." 

"I know and I'm sorry." I look up at him and he kisses my lips. "I'm sorry baby. Just give me a chance to make things right."

I just wanna be part of your symphony
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?


Symphony ◆ Joe Anoa'i◆Where stories live. Discover now