~Part 13~

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In the kitchen, Frank and Ray settled at the table with the books. Frank made it a whole half a page before he blurted out, "Toro, I feel like such a shit."

"Nobody's saying you aren't a shit," Ray said, fumbling his book open. "We're just saying on this occasion you have an excuse."

"But I was an asshole."

Ray cocked an eyebrow. "And that's such a departure for you?"

"Ray!" Frank thumped the table in frustration. "Why won't anybody let me apologize?"

"Because it's not your fault! Do you want me to apologize for almost drowning?"

Frank threw himself back in his chair. "Ugh. I just feel like I should have known something was wrong. Like I should - I should have fought it, or something. I mean how did I let that happen? I couldn't even get hypnotized when I wanted to quit smoking, remember? The chick said I was too skeptical."

"Were you in love with your hypnotherapist?"

Frank's cheeks flushed hot and he looked away. "No."

"Was she possessed by a mind-controlling demon?"


"Well, then." Ray lifted his shoulders. "Nobody's going to beat you up for this, Frankie. If you want that you'll have to get it from someone else."

Frank scowled. "You're so annoying."

"Yes," said Ray, going back to his book. "Forgiveness is a real pain in the ass." Then he sneezed explosively, coughed a bunch of times and groaned, clutching his chest.

"Dude," said Frank. "You sound like me."

Ray waved him off.

Bob came out of the garage, frowning. "You would think I would remember starting a weird, square fire," he said, sitting down. "But I just don't."

"It's the mind control," Ray reminded him. "It's not you."

"Mmm," Bob said. He rubbed his temples. He was sweating a little, and really pale.

"Dude," said Frank. "Are you all right?"

Bob waved him off. "I'm just a little dizzy."

Frank exchanged a glance with Ray. They both knew that 'a little dizzy' was Bob-speak for 'in incredible pain and about to pass out'. It wouldn't do any good to talk to him about it, though, so Frank got up and found him a glass of water and some painkillers, placing them silently by Bob's elbow before reclaiming his seat.

Bob waited until Frank had pretended to start reading again before downing the pills and draining the water.

"You need antibiotics," Frank tried, but Bob just scowled and hunched down behind a book.

"Craig and the kids are staying put for now," Mikey said when he returned. "He can watch what's going on, he has a feed of the security system in there."

"Of course he does," said Ray.

Mikey half-smiled and sat down. "He's not letting the kids watch, though. It would just upset them."

Bob looked up. "And being locked in a room with a strange man isn't upsetting?"

"You didn't see it," said Mikey, dragging a book towards him. "It's bigger than my apartment was back home. They're playing Mario Kart."

Ray turned a page with his fingertips. "I was thinking maybe there's something I can do," he said, resting both elbows on the table. "To suppress the demon so we can talk to Gerard."

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