The Boy and His Home

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7th grade damn. 6th grade was nasty maybe this year would be better? As I walk to class I pass the auditorium that sits over 100 6th graders starting out their year of middle school. "Hey Lexi!" I turn around and notice Mike running at me "Oh my God Mike!" I notice he is wearing leggings with a pink sweatshirt his nails this time are blue. "Oh my God look at you!" he laughs "Like it? My sister let me borrow it" he spins around I nod "I love it!", We then both look at each other schedules "We have all classes together!" we both freak out and go to class with each other. 

It's last period, I'm half asleep facing the other direction of Mike he taps me gently waking me up "Hey so do you wanna come over after school?" I smile brightly and nod "Of Course!" I text my Mom and ask her if I could go over Mikes house she allows it and calls the bus company to let me go over on his bus. 

The day ends and I'm sitting on the bus with Mike his leg shakes and he looks over to me "Hey Listen. Can we do this another day?" he begins to take off his sweatshirt and shove it deep in his bag I blink "Alright will the bus driver drop me off?" Mike looks over and asks the bus driver "He said no." he begins to panic. I place my hand on his shoulder "I'll walk home." he shakes his head "No It's fine." He begins to chip off his blue nail polish, the bus stops and Mike gets up "Come on." I get up and throw my bag over my shoulder, His house is huge. 

"Oh my God your house is huge!" He nods "It's a two story I have a room in the attic, there's a kitchen, dining room, and dining room, My sister has her room upstairs and my brother has his." I nod and we walk in he takes his shoes off and I follow, Mike flinches hearing someone "Aye Yo! Who's that?" I cower behind Mike "This is my friend Alexia." he nods "Is she a gay?" he flinches "No- She's not a gay." he nods again "Is she a tranny?" Mike pulls me upstairs "I don't want no damn tranny in my home!" Mike walks up more stairs that narrow up into his room he slams it shut and locks it "Listen I'm sorry." I shake my head "It's fine but why would he say that?" he shakes his head "Alexia, I'm transgender I want to be a girl I told him that and he forbid it ever since." my mouth widens I spin around hearing a pounding on the door "Mike! Open up this door now!"  

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