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Sitting in library Juniper was engrossed in a new book that was until Tyler came skidding in the chair in front of her

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Sitting in library Juniper was engrossed in a new book that was until Tyler came skidding in the chair in front of her.

"Hey, why you in a hurry did abode tell you to tell me that we're doing Orion's Belt or something" Juniper joked. "Kinsey took out her fear" he said straight, Juniper's smile fell straight.


"Yeah, she said she took it out then she.. she.." he moved forward "she buried it"he whispered. Juniper sighed her face while leaning back on the chair. "Did she tell you where she buried it?" The girl asked

"I haven't gotten that between her dying her hair pink and being very aggressive with my mom not once did I think to ask. 'Hey Kinsey when did you burry your fear" he whispered harshly. "Okay no need to get aggressive" she whispered back.

"I'm sorry but you should've seen my moms face you could see that it hurt her feelings" Juniper put her hand on top of his "Hey, we're a team now, even though I'm better at but glow in the dark constellations up" this caused a smile to break on Tyler's face "Shut up" he said

"Come on let's get to class" she said packing up her things

Before they could even leave Mr Ridgeway came up to the two "Mr Locke can I have a work" he standing up from the 5k stand. Tyler looked at Juniper just shrugged "I'll meet you at your locker after class?" She asked with him agreeing she went off to class.

When class ended Juniper made a pit stop to her locker before heading to Tyler's. Leaning against the locker she waited till he showed up.

"Hey" a voice said behind her, she turned to see Tyler. "Hey, how was class" she asked him. "Boring as hell you" he turned to her "Umm not to bad, got a B for my essay for English because apparently it had too much feminism like how can something have too much feminism really tell me" she exlaimed

"Woooow golden girl got a B who knew I'd be better than her in something" Tyler teased still packing his books in his bag "Shut up" Juniper laughed lightly punching his shoulder.

"So what did Mr Ridgeway want to talk to you about?" She asked. "Nothing really just talking about how he went from boxer to English teacher and how change was good" Juniper nodded her head.

Juniper looked to her side to see Jackie and Eden make their way to them "Oh gosh" Juniper groaned. "Hey" Jackie said to the two "When do you want to meet up" Juniper turned to the boy and raised her eyebrow at him but he seemed to be just as confused "For...what" he asked.

"To get sponsors for the 5k? Mr Ridgeway said you wanted to volunteer"

Juniper looked as if she was going to burst into a fit of laughter at any moment because of this interaction. "If you don't want to, it's fine." She assured him. Feeling guilty now "No, I do.. uh I was just thinking that we could hit up some downtown stores later before they close" Tyler looked at Juniper seeing she was holding her laughter in. "And you know who else to help us then Matheson's golden girl Juniper springs" he said holding his arms out towards her.

Immediately all the laughter in her died. "What?" She asked looking at the boy "Yeah didn't you say you wanted your college application to be spotless" he taunted "It is" she gritted. Tyler pouted his lips "That B says otherwise" knowing he wasn't going to stop she turned to Jackie. "I'll help" she then proceeded to give her a fake smile.

"Great just put your number in my phone"

Juniper typed in her number then handed the phone to Tyler. "Cool case" Tyler said awkwardly. "Thanks, I'm a total anglophile. I'll see you guys after school" she said looking at the two before walking away.

Juniper turned to the boy and stared to punch him repeatedly "ow" Tyler whined. "Good you deserve it" she glared at him. "Hey we're a team right" he said wincing when she punched him again

When the bell rang the two went their separate ways but not without Tyler screaming "I'll see you after school" in the hallway and Juniper flipping him off.

Juniper was sitting in class waiting for it to start but then Tyler Locke burst into the class. "Hi sorry I was just sent by the office saying that Juniper's parents are here to pick her up, Umm something about her grandma" the teacher allowed both of them to leave no questions asked.

"What's going?" She asked "My parents left this morning for a wedding and my grandma died when I was three" she told the boy. "Look operation get Kinsey's fear back is on and step one is getting the key back" he told her

"Okay let's go" she told him grabbing her car keys from her mini backpack.

Once the got to key house they quietly crept up to Kinsey's room. Tyler rummaged through one bedside table while Juniper did the other. "She keeps it in her sock drawer" Bode told the two catching them red handed

"Don't say anything. Understood"

"What's in it for me?" The small child asked.

Both teens looked at each other before Tyler stood up and dragged Bode to his room with Juniper trailing behind. When Juniper when to lock the door she saw a pice of gum covering the key hole. "What's this" she asked pointing towards the key hole.

"It's to stop the well lady from coming in" both teens looked around the room "Did she come back" Tyler asked.

"No not exactly"

"Then how?" Juniper asked "He won't believe me until he's seen her himself" Bode told Juniper. "Okay so Kinsey took her fear out of her head" Tyler told him.


"And I was thinking if she can take something out" he then proceeded to put the key in the back of his neck. "Wait this wasn't the plan" Juniper argued. But it was too late to change his mind. "Maybe I can put something in" he said taking the book and walking towards the door.

"Hold on" Bode said taking the book and proceeding to take a page out. "Proceed" he told his brother Tyler then turned back to the door. "Wait" Juniper stopped him, Tyler let out an annoyed breath. She walked up and wrapped her arms around him.

"Please still be normal after this" she told him she could feel his head nod on her shoulder. Unwrapping her arms she stared at him and said "I need my teammate"  before unexpectedly punching him. "That's for lying about the plan dumbass" she chuckled as he hissed in pain.

She sat on the bed with Bode in front of her, they watched as he opened the door and threw the book in. "That's it." Bode asked.

"Yeah ask me a question about Matheson"he told them. "When was Matheson founded" Juniper asked. Tyler proceeded to give an answer. "Was that right" he asked looking at the two. "I don't know you took the book" Bode told him

"I'm quickly gonna head to the bathroom" she told the boys leaving bedroom.

Tyler quickly turned to Bode. "Hey do we have any books on feminism?"

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