Chapter 26- The Killer

Start from the beginning

"You're going to invite people into your mansion?" Damon asks, shocked and she rolls her eyes.

"It'll be temporary, come on, you're driving, I have calls to make," she commands and he grabs her keys as she shouts for Meredith and Vivianne who Elena offers to drive. 10 minutes later, she is standing in her living room with her sisters, Caroline, Vivianne, the Salvatores, and much to both her and Caroline's dismay, Tyler.

Tyler said he called the hybrids to help and Caroline had gotten Liz to block off the grill. "All right, hold on, you're not all going," Stefan says.

"He shot me like nine times. If we're killing him, I want in," Tyler demands and Jessica spins on him.

"You are only here because he texted you, Tyler, do not push your limits or might find yourself missing a heart," Jessica warns.

"He's got Jeremy. I'm going," Elena fights and Jessica sighs as everyone starts arguing.

"SHUT UP!" Jessica yells and it's silent. "If you are all going to go in there, you should know something. Conner is part of the brotherhood of the five. They're these hunters that were given enhanced strength and speed by this witch. Their sole purpose is to kill enough vampires to reveal a map that leads to an island where the ultimate immortal, Silas, is so they can kill him. Being magical, the witch placed a contingency plan on them all. If a vampire kills a hunter, that vampire becomes his last kill."

"What do you mean?" Damon questions. "Are you telling me that if I kill this asshole I die too, like if I try and dagger an original?" Stefan flinches slightly at talk of daggering an original but he doesn't think anyone noticed.

"No, it's called the hunter's curse. You kill a hunter and he haunts you until either the hallucinations convince you to kill yourself or a potential takes his place, which could take years," she answers. "So we all have to go in there with caution," she warns and they all agree. Tyler gets a call and heads back to his house and Jessica turns back to her friends. "Okay, I've placed protection spells on you all, head to Alaric's apartment, it has a good view of the grill and he has blueprints of the tunnels underneath."

"Why?" Damon asks and she gives him a look.

"Because he liked history and they were a part of the underground railroad," she answers when she hears Ric say 'yeah you dick' which makes her laugh. "Ric says, 'Yeah, you dick'," she informs him, making Damon smile. "Alright, break. I'll follow Tyler and make sure that the hybrids listen."

"Why would they listen to you?" Stefan wonders.

"Because I'm the only one who knows their names, not to mention they've seen me terrify Klaus. They know they'd be stupid not to be scared as well." With that, she spins around, sauntering out of the house to head to the Lockwood estate.

When they get to Ric's apartment, Stefan goes to scout the grill and Damon looks for the blueprints. He finds them and starts looking at them when Stefan walks in. Damon says he is almost ready and Stefan says they need to wait because Klaus is sending a hybrid in first. "Since when did we team up with Klaus and the Lollipop Guild?"

"Jessica already told you, he has werewolf venom," he says.

"And Jessica has a cure," Damon retorts. "Why is Klaus even involved?" He asks, beginning to wonder if Jessica had been fed bad information by Klaus. "How does Jessica know about this hunter's curse? Did Klaus tell you two about it?" He questions and Stefan sighs, snapping Damon's neck, shocking Elena. He promises to get Jeremy out and takes Damon's ring before leaving.

When Jessica enters the Lockwood mansion, she walks into an argument between Tyler, Dean, and the girl Tyler cheated on Caroline with, Hayley she thinks is her name. "Klaus told you to take Connor on by yourself and you can't even fight back? You have to use non-lethal force. What the hell is that?" Tyler scoffs.

"As much as I hate to agree with Klaus, he's right, Dean can't kill Conner," she says and Tyler glares at her.

"Stay out of this, Jessica, you aren't a hybrid, you don't understand," he snarls until he sees the devilish smirk on Jessica's face before she punches him.

"God, I have owed you that far a while, Ty. You know, I've been punching a lot of people in the last two days, must be my anger that comes with the wolf gene," she points out and realization crosses Tyler's face right before it contorts in pain as he starts to feel like he's on fire. "So actually, I am a hybrid. Part werewolf, part witch and it would do you well to stop getting on my bad side," she snarls before Tyler finally passes out from the pain.

"What the hell was that?" Hayley asks, sounding pissed and Jessica plasters a smile on her face.

"That was me finally getting revenge for him cheating on my best friend Caroline with you," she says and watches Hayley face pale. "Oh don't worry, I don't blame you. I mean sure you knew better but you didn't make him do anything. Normally I'd say we would make great friends from what I saw in Tyler's memories, we're very similar and you're pretty so you'd fit in with my other friends but you know, solidarity," she states, allowing Dean to leave and complete his task. "Well, I should get going, sorry about playing distraction. Oh, and you might want to help Tyler, the pain won't stop until someone succeeds in waking him up," she brags, hair flipping over her shoulder as she walks out the door, leaving Hayley in slight awe.


Later that afternoon, Damon wakes up to find his ring gone and convinced that the hunter's curse is a lie, something he shares with Elena, who offers to go to the grill and help. As she walks out the door, Damon tells her to kill Conner and she nods, neither realizing that she won't be able to stop until Conner is dead.

By the time Jessica gets to the apartment, Elena is gone, as is Damon, worrying her as they were supposed to wait. She rushes to the grill to find Dean dead, making her want nothing more than to kill Conner. She finds Jeremy, who tells her that Matt and April are okay and everyone is in the tunnels. She runs to get into them and gets there just in time to see Elena about to snap Conner's neck. "Lena, don't!" Jessica shouts but she doesn't listen.

She suddenly turns to her sister, muttering about how Damon told her to kill him and she did and how upset she is and that she needs to bury him, so Jessica follows. Stefan and Damon join them soon and she tells them the same thing, telling them that she needs to bury him. I walk over to the brothers and begin to whisper to them. "We need to find a potential now," she expresses.

"Why?" Damon asks, worried about her concern.

"Elena killed Conner because you told her to and the curse hasn't even kicked in yet and she's drowning in guilt. She's easy pickings."

"The hunter's curse that I'm sure you heard about from Klaus?" Damon questions, rolling his eyes, no longer concerned until Jessica looks at him worried.

"Damon, I didn't hear about it. I saw it in Klaus' memories. He killed the original five and they made him feel so much guilt and grief and pain that Klaus tried to kill himself. I've never seen him feel guilt like Elena is right now, even with the curse. She won't survive tomorrow," she warns them and they all watch the Gilbert girl, worried for her. Nobody even thinking about Jeremy seeing the tattoo, all too concerned for the guilt-ridden Elena.

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