chapter 5

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Harry's pov

My head shoots up, "w-what?" I ask, stumbling over my words. Dumbledore has that glint in his eyes. The kind of glint you see in the eyes of pranksters right before you step into one of their traps. "What is your cats name Harry?" Dumbledore ask. Now that the subject at least slightly changed, and totally NOT because midnight has started purring and letting me pet him again, I calm down a bit. "Midnight," I state quietly, then continueing a bit louder, "his name is Midnight. He is also one of my best friends, and you can't take him!" My words geting louder as I go. The people i care about always get hurt, or they leave, or get taken. Midnights the only one with me who understands. I can't loose him. I start crying and loseing control of myself. Mcgonagall stands and begins forward, I start to shake even more. The only thing I get from other people is pain, so in the state I'm in, the slightest thing can set me off. I can feel a flashback trying to fight to the surface.

Snape/Midnight pov

I see Minerva start toward us and I feel Harry tense and start shaking. I have seen it happen with abused students. When they are put in a high stress situation and are approached to quickly, they get thrown into painful flashbacks. I emediatly stand and hiss at her, warning her to back off. She looks at me confused but trys to continue. It's a good thing Dumbledore tells her to sit down or I might have bit her. As she backs off, Harry starts to calm down. I rub my head against his chest and purr. This brings him completely back to reality. We sit there like that for a few minutes, then he breaks the silence with the question I've been dreading...

Harry's pov

"So," I say, "Midnight isn't completely cat is he?" "No," Dumbledore says, "this cat is Hogwarts professor Severas Snape. From what I found, an animegis broke in and startled professor Snape. He admitted, once we found him, that he was on asinment and Severas was his target. He did not have to kill, as long as he got rid of him. When somthing fell into the potion Severas was trying to make that was then dumped on him, he transformed into a cat." I sit, petting midnight and takeing it all in. I look down at Midnight, who has his head down looking at the bed sheet. "Professor Snape?" I ask. Midnight, or Snape I should say, lifts his head and looks me in the eyes. "Does that mean your going to leave to?" I ask quietly, so only he and I hear. His gaze hardens and he shakes his furry head. I reach out and pull his slim cat form into a hug. If a cat could hug back, he did. Finally I let go and turn to Dumbledore. "Is there a way to turn him back?" I ask. Dumbledore pulls out a small vial filled with a green liquid and tossesit to me. "Just have him drink this," Dumbledore says, "and he'll turn back."

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