"That's the thing about Slytherin's; we've been dealt the worst cards and understand the game Weasel." Draco drawled, resting a hand on the strangely silent Damians head. "If Potter had of ended up with the rest of us snakes at least he wouldn't have had to worry about being stabbed in the back, Slytherins have more class than that."

Smirking at the look on the Gryffindors face, Draco turned to resume his seat, frowning down at the Panther who had curled himself into a big black ball of fur under the table. Peering at the panther in concern, he dropped to his knees next to his familiar, holding up a finger to quiet Blaise who was staring at Draco in shock.

Damian? Draco reached through the telepathic bond wrapping his mind around the panthers while resting his hand on one of the cat's flanks. The panthers mind curled around his tightly, sadness, fear, and pride creeping along the link. What's wrong? Draco questioned, trying to sort through the past few moments to find the reason for the feelings slapping against his mind.

Draco felt darkness slam into him as a stream of visions pounded through the link. People he had never met stared at him in fear while a fat man yelled and slapped him across the face. A horse faced woman shrilled in anger, ignoring the blood running down his fingers to glare at the broken vase scattered across the floor. Two older boys stood over him, pain racing along his ribs as a heavily shod foot connected with his midsection.
An older man falling through a curtained doorway after being struck by a spell, hands restraining him as he wailed at his loss. The pain and fear writhing along the bond caused Draco to cry out mentally, urging the voice to help him. The visions stopped suddenly, leaving both floating silently, as if afraid to break the renewed silence and start the barrage of visions all over again.
I apologize; I didn't mean to let that happen. The voice whispered, withdrawing slightly back into the panthers mind.

What just happened? Draco asked, sending out a soothing feeling towards the voice, trying to draw it back to him.
I forgot myself, I forgot who I'm supposed to be, who I'm expected to be. The feeling of a deep sadness crept back up the bond. Draco could have cried at the feeling, stirring he opened his eyes to peer deeply into the shimmering emeralds before him.

Who are you expected to be? He whispered, dreading the answer but guessing what was coming.
The Saviour of the Wizarding World. The voice murmured, vanishing from his mind.

Draco looked up into the eyes of Severus Snape, who had moved to stand over the pair in worry. Malfoy's would never lower themselves to their knees in public, it was graceless and dirty. Draco's silver eyes shimmered with unshed tears, as he gazed at the panther he had come to adore over the last few weeks.

The animal that had protected him, stood before and with him for the past few days was Harry Potter. Harry Potter, who had refused his friendship in Madam Malkins, had attacked his father in his defense. Harry Potter had become his friend over the last few days. He had become the light of Draco's life, providing him with entertainment and laughter. Seeing him hide from the lies of his friends, to stand there and take it was so un-Potter like.

Harry had always had a fierce spirit, like a panther, Draco grinned at the thought, he would spit and hiss and take it all the way if he had too. To see his spirit broken was saddening but in a way he knew where Harry was coming from.

Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle were some of the only true friends he had ever had, but even they hadn't been able to protect him from his father. They were forced to face the same at their homes, parents who struck and berated them without thought, without feeling. There may have been a Gryffindor in Harry somewhere, but his heart was pure Slytherin.

Harry curled into a tighter ball, glad that panther's couldn't show emotion. Draco Malfoy knew who he was. Not only that the panther he had been bound to was Harry Potter but also about the treatment he had received as a child. Weeping internally he cried over his loss, perhaps the only person he had ever begun to trust with his life was going to abandon him.

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