O.N.E:: Crashed And Burned

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Your being ridculous!

I couldn't tell if my conscience was saying this or if Capri was. Capri was the closest thing I had to a friend at this school. I've been going here for three to four years now and she's the only friend I have and we met last year.


"Win, winnie," Capri shook me as I snapped out of my daze. "Snap out of it, you, lovestrucker!" She snapped her fingers. I turned around with a raised eyebrow. "Lovestrucker?" Capri shrugged. Anyway, I turned back to him and only him.

The only boy that brightens my day when he walks by.

The only boy that makes me want to word-vomit all over him.

And the only boy that won't talk to me again.

And you must wondering who him is, right? He's the one and only, Jace Collins. I've had a crush on him ever since I went home after dentention, three years ago. "Just talk to him, you talked to him during freshman year." Capri interrupted my thoughts again. I huffed. "I can't and besides that was back when I was new and innocent and before I went through puberty." I semi-joked. Capri rolled her eyes at my "ridiculousness". The bell rung a little whille afterwards and everyone exited the cafeteria, dumping out their trash as they walked out. "See ya' at sixth period!" Capri yelled over the sea of highschoolers, floating their way to class and crashing into others.

I turned around so that I was walking backwards and mouthed back "okay". Bad idea to walk backwards because when I turned forward again I crashed into something. Someone, actually. I fell to the ground on top the person. I looked to see it was a boy but I couldn't actually see his face. This would be sooooooooo even more awkward if he was a girl. "I am soooo sorry." I mumbled as I tried the help him up. Once he was back on his feet I then noticed. It was the one and only........

Jace Collins.

"Ub, wha, um." I stuttered. He dusted off his pants. "It's no big d-" He paused once he recognized me, "Oh wow, it's you, cupcake, right?"

I giggled.

"Man, we haven't talked since freshman year," He started walking as I walked along side him, "We've got catching up to do, wanna get some coffee after school?" Since my brain wasn't functioning properly with my mouth, I nodded. "Great, see you around four."

That easy!?


"I'm home, Mia!" I shouted and tossed my bag on the couch, the wooden floor creaking with each step I took. "There's no wall seperating the kitchen from the living area so there's no need to shout." Mia nagged as she came up to me and kissed me on the forhead. Mia was our "gurdian". She's the only mom figure of the whole Foster Care. I jumped on the couch and turned on the TV but Mia took away the remote. "Homework?" She questioned. "No." I replied. "Chores?"

I groaned as I helped set up the table.

"Give it back!" I heard someone yell as footsteps came down the wooden stairs. "Not until you tell him it was a joke!" Another yelled back. "Will both off you shut up!" Followed by another pair of footsteps.

Oh, boy!

Jacy and Macy were the only twins of the house, they were both twelve-year-old seventh graders. Along with the youngest of the house, Grace, who was ten in the fourth grade. Jacy and Macy always fought and somehow, Grace was always in the middle of it. You could tell who was who because Jacy had light brown eyes and brown hair and Macy had sea green eyes and brown hair. Once they made it down the stairs, Jacy was chasing Macy and Grace was yelling at them to stop. Mia blew her "Shut up and pay attention" whistle as all of them stopped in her tracks. "What seems to be the problem?" Mia asked, tired of the twins fighting. "Jacy texted Johnny Becker that said that I liked him and she won't tell him it's a joke, even though it's not." Macy squeaked out, her voice raspy from the screaming.

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