You're Different

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You're different from before

You don't compliment me like you used to

You're not as kind as you once were

Our first kiss was euphoric

Like the universe knew you were meant to be mine

But as time continues...

I can feel the distance between us

I can feel that you no longer crave me

It pains my heart to write this and yet I express

My deepest feelings that I've told you before

Yet you say you're not going anywhere

But I feel as though you're lying

Your words are harsher than before

You no longer kiss me like before

And I can't help but think...

Am I not enough?

Am I not pretty enough? Seeing as you called me ugly

And yet over the phone you call me beautiful

Can you tell me that to my face?

Or is it easier to tell me over the phone because you don't believe it

I knew my worth, I deserved a good man

Hoping you were it for me

But I don't know how to feel anymore because I feel worthless to you

We had our good days where everything was okay

I feel as if you fake it and our love is one sided

I don't know what to do anymore other than to say

You're Different

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