I think about you

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I think about it all the time 

The happiness we once shared 

How any time we were together 

I was in a pure state of bliss 

Your hand in mine the first night 

I didn't know then that I would fall harder than I thought 

When I'm with my friends I can easily say "I'm over him" 

Yet every time I see you, my heart continuously breaks in two 

I didn't realize that being so attached to you would cause so many problems 

It takes a lot to not say hi to you or to ignore the fact that you exist 

As time continues I see that I'll remember you for longer than I've known you

That's what hurts the most 

I no longer have you to hold 

Everyone sees the hell I've been through 

I didn't realize that I could go from having you one day to completely losing you the next 

Yet, you did nothing to fight for me 

But my heart can't handle the hate towards you

At the end of the day, I could never hate you no matter how much I want to 

They say time is the key to heal all wounds, but its been two months 

There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you

I miss you, even if you don't miss me

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