Ch. 8: "You're a solid second."

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 The Avalanche were playing the Capitals in 3 days. We had an off day afterwards and Andre and I were supposed to hang out with the team and Tom of course. I was nervous because we were going to be telling Tom that we were dating. Andre didn't seem to be as nervous as me though, and kept reassuring me it would be fine.
  "He's a freak Andre, I'm a little afraid he might kill you." Andre just chuckled.
  "At least we're telling him after the game so he can't come after me during the game."
  "You seem to think this is funny, and I'm genuinely worried about your safety." we were laying on my couch, cuddling. We were supposed to be napping since Andre had a game tonight but my mind wouldn't shut up and he could tell I was worried so he was trying to calm me down. I suddenly started feeling bad because I knew he needed a nap. I kissed his cheek before laying my head on his shoulder. Pretending I was fine so he would sleep. It wasn't 5 minutes later his little snores reached my ears and I couldn't help but smile.
 Two days later we were on a plane heading to Washington. All the boys were playing cards and whatnot so I was sitting in the back with Emily. I had told her my fears about Tom and she too seemed to think I was overreacting.
  "Look, if he's a real friend and loves you he'll be happy you're happy."
  "It's not that I'm worried he doesn't want me to be happy, but I know how he feels about 'hockey guys' and me. Especially when he isn't around to 'protect me'"
  "Can you stop with the air quotes, you're driving me nuts. Just take a nap and you'll see, everything will be fine."
  "I don't know if I can nap. Z looks extra menacing today and I might be scared for my life." she laughed at that.
  "I promise I'll protect you." I took her advice and curled up in my seat and fell asleep fairly quickly. When I woke up Emily was sitting a couple seats in front of me and Andre was next to me asleep. I smiled before getting up to head to the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door and immediately screamed.
  "Nikita I'm going to kill you!" I yelled as I slapped him and pulled him out of the bathroom. He had been hiding inside to scare whoever happened to come in next. I shook my head as I heard the whole plane laughing when I walked out. I walked right over to Andre and sat next to him and Z came over and sat on my lap and wrapped his arms around me.
  "You're crushing me."
  "You like it." I tried pushing him off but it was no use. He was too heavy. Finally I got him off of me when the plane was about to land so he had to go sit back in his seat. I gasped for air when he moved, trying to get all the air back into my lungs. Andre shook his head at me.
  "Thanks for your help oh knight in shining armour." I teased.
  "I'm more scared of Z than Tom, I was not about to get in the middle of that." I laughed and grabbed his hand and squeezed it. I hate the taking off and landing when it came to being on a plane. I would rather drive for 3 days to get somewhere than get on a plane for 30 minutes, but it was part of the job so hopefully I would get used to it soon.
 I smiled to myself as I took pictures at the game. I watched as guys from the Capitals made their way over to say hi to Andre as he was warming up. Tom clapped him roughly on the back before skating away to finish warming up. When warmups were over I sat back and took a breath. Emily gave me a small side hug to calm me down. I know how rough the Capitals play and I really didn't want any of our guys getting hurt, or hurting them. It was hard having friends on both sides. When the game started the Capitals had a tribute to Andre thanking him for his time with the team and I teared up a little, finding it hard to hold my camera steady to take video. After the video was over Andre skated by where I was sitting and gave me a wink before lining up for the opening face off. I smiled when I noticed Tom was out there too, this was going to be such an interesting game.
 To my surprise and relief nobody got hurt during the game. Tom played as clean as I'd ever seen him play, and I even saw a hint of a smile behind his glove when Andre opened the scoring. When the game was over and the media done, we headed back to our hotel. I was staying with Emily and we headed straight to our room as soon as we got back. We were both over tired and I was getting up early the next day to hang out with the boys from Washington. I took a quick shower and plopped down on the bed falling asleep almost instantly before I even had a chance to cover myself up.
 I woke up early thanks to falling asleep so quickly. I decided to just go ahead and get ready, so I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and straightened my hair before walking back into the bedroom and grabbing some dark wash blue jeans and a red tshirt out of my suitcase. When I was done getting dressed I threw on my red converse before heading out and down the hall towards Andre's room. I knocked lightly not wanting to wake up whoever he happened to be rooming with this time, I hadn't paid attention to the room assignments. He opened the door a few minutes later and walked out before shutting the door quietly. We headed down to the lobby and called a cab to take us over to Tom's house, where everyone apparently already was.
  "I didn't even know any of these guys could wake up this early, let alone already being out doing something." I laughed as the cab pulled into Tom's driveway.
  "Its amazing what they'll do to be able to see you." he smiled and grabbed my hand helping me out of the car.
  "I doubt it's me they wanna see. I only know a couple of them really well." I tried to let go of Andre's hand when we walked up the sidewalk but he wouldn't let go. When Tom opened the door his eyes went straight to our hands, I smiled shyly.
  "Hey Tommy. Missed you." I said giving him a hug. He hugged me back before leading us into the living room where everyone was sitting. They all cheered when we walked in. I said hi to everyone before Tom pulled me into the kitchen.
  "So how long has that been going on?" he asked gesturing to the living room.
  "Our first date was a couple weeks ago. I know you didn't want me dating any hockey guys, but I really don't think you have to worry about him." to my surprise Tom smiled.
  "I always have to worry, Chels. But I was actually hoping you guys would get together. He had a huge thing for you when you guys lived out here, and when I found out you were both going to Colorado I was really hoping it would happen." I looked at him confused.
  "You refused to let me meet him when we lived out here though."
  "I did that because I knew I couldn't keep you guys apart forever and you're a rebel and I thought telling you you couldn't date him would draw you to him even more." he laughed at the shocked expression on my face, then I slapped him lightly on the chest.
  "That's mean."
  "I'm your favorite and you know it."
  "You're a solid second." I rolled my eyes and laughed at his hurt expression.
  "He's already taken 1st place?"
  "He's 3rd, he could never replace you in my heart Tommy."
  "Well, who do I have to fight to be#1?"
  "Tommy, you know Holtbae will always be my #1" the shock on his face was priceless.
  "You guys have met what? Once? How'd he get to be your favorite?"
  "Actually, I met Braden before I met you. He was the one who invited me to the practice the day I met you. We hung out all the time while I lived here." I shrugged. Tom stood there staring at me with his mouth wide open.
  "A bug is gonna fly in there, you should really close your mouth. Come on we got stuff to do today!" I grabbed his hand and dragged him back into the living room where he shot a glare at Holtby, who busted out laughing when he realized I had finally spilled the beans on us being friends. I sighed contently and laid my head on Andre's shoulder as I watched them bicker over who was my favorite. I really did have some of the best friends, and life was just going amazing right now.

On the Way Down - Andre BurakovskyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant