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The evening breeze flowed gracefully throughout the fire force house. You sat your cup of water down as you stared out the window of Beni's room. Your heart raced at being dragged out of here by Kaito. Yua's face popped up reminding you to go and see her even if she didn't want any visitors. It was interesting however that Konro was practically there every day.
*knock knock* the sound of the front door cut you out of your thoughts. "Coming" everyone was at the new house with Beni and they wouldn't need help getting inside- at that, you stood still staring at the door, 'should I even open it?' you don't think your heart could handle another attack. You waited a couple of seconds debating with your self. "Hello?" A soft female voice could be heard.
It didn't sound like Yua... you approached cautiously. You opened the wooden door, you were met with golden eyes, the woman stepped back her black hair framed her face. "Is Beni here?" She tried looking behind you. "Who are you?"

Tsukuyo PoV
My blood boiled 'this is who Beni went with? Tsk, she's not all that'
"I'm Tsukuyo, Beni's friend," I told her "oh I'm (YN) nice to meet you!" She bowed 'so formal?'
"You must be his maid, servant whatever title you prefer"
"I'm no one's maid, come inside" I could see her eyebrow twitch...this should be fun.
'Maid? Is this woman serious' you could see her snickering to her self.
You lead her into the seating area and brought out tea pouring it. "How do you know Beni?" She asked taking a small sip.
"Long story...just know I'm his girlfriend" the black-haired woman was obviously irritated. "Really? Interesting..." she flicked her hair over her shoulders "interesting?" You questioned
"You're not Beni's type, I honestly thought you'd be more...pretty"
'I should throw this tea in her face'
"And what your his type?"
"Of course, Beni and I have gotten to know each other very well"
"What!" 'Is Beni cheating on me?'

"You didn't know? He tastes really good too" she licked her lips "you should know what his-" "don't play with me" you were now face to face with her, your eyes dark.
Tsukuyo cleared her throat "I-I'm not lying"

"What's going in here?" Beni came in putting something in his pocket.
"Beni!" Tsukuyo cheered
"So you do know her?" You asked
"I told you-" you grabbed Tsukuyo by her hair slamming her down on the ground "get on your knees, you should be good at the right?" 

"(YN)?!" Beni tried to pull you off her while Tsukuyo screamed "did you fuck her Beni?" tears welling up in your eyes
"I didn't I swear! I saw her at the courtesan club once and it didn't get very far"
"courtesan?" You repeated
"Get off me!" Tsukuyo demanded "I'm top courtesan of this land how dare you treat me this way!" You still held her against the floor. Letting go you stood up with Beni at your side "A whore should know her place" you stepped on her "I rule over this land and whores like you aren't even allowed in my presence" you pressed harder.
"(YN) stop" you looked at him "why? She tried to-" his lips gently pressed on yours "I'm yours" he held your hand. You forgot about Tsukuyo. "Tsukuyo leave and I don't want to see you anywhere near this house or (YN)" Beni held you close, Tsukuyo got up her face red and bruised giving you her deadliest look she walked out. However, Beni knew that wasn't the last of her.

"I thought you didn't like play girls"
"I was drunk (YN) and it was a couple of weeks before you arrived here, they keep harassing me" he chuckled "I can go and fight them if you want"
"I want you to stay right here, okay?"
"Fine" you pouted
You hugged him "what's this?" You felt something hard in his pocket. "Don't worry about that" he backed up. "Hmmm now I really want to know" you reached your hand towards his pocket "(YN) I'm being serious don't"
"Come here" he captured you lips once again "I actually came to get you, let's go to our house"
As Tsukuyo left, she was met by a man waiting by outside the front door "(YN)?" He questioned "she's in there, that bitch" Tsukuyo left leaving the man standing there.
"She definitely in this town, I'll head back for now and keep watch" he muttered
Beni carried you on his back to the house.
It was getting quite late but you couldn't wait to see the new house.
The cyan spring was now a mix of cherry hues as sitting sun tuned the sky auburn. Further back from the spring the large trees tucked the house away. You see the lights on inside. "Beni, this house is huge do we need that much space?" He let you down and walked side by side to the house. "I think it's just right for us and...kids" he squeezed your hand. You smiled warmly at the thought of starting a family with him.

He opens the door and everyone greets you. Even Yua was there "(YN)" she hugged you her stomach had grown so much. "Let's drink!" Beni held up Sake bottles in both hands.
After a while, everyone was talking and having a good time. Since Yua couldn't drink Konro drank for her, you noticed he was sitting very close to her, he whispered something in her ear, her cheeks dusted pink. As he snaked his arm around her, your eyebrows raised at there interaction. "Beni! Come with me" Konro stood up grabbing Beni against his will you chuckled at them 'glad they're back to normal'
"Did you do it?" Konro asked
"No, we had an unexpected visitor, I'm not sure when's the right time"
"No, I want it to be private" Beni fumbled in his pocket, taking out a red box with a silver outline.
"You're all grown up" Konro wipes the tears from his eyes. He pats the shorter dark-haired man on the shoulder walking back into the other room.

Beni opens the box 'will you marry me (YN)?' He practices. A gold band was kept inside with a perfectly cut oval diamond sitting on top, held by a crown of small neatly placed diamonds. He put the box away joining you and the others.
Looking around the house the thought of his little ones running around filled him with joy...nothing was going to ruin that dream...

A/N: Thank you for reading! 💕

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