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Persephone turned over again, frustrated, sleep evading her. Her mother had gone immediately to sleep without saying a word or even looking at her. The day's exchange may have worn out Demeter, but it wound up Persephone. She had more questions than ever, and she wanted to speak to him to understand.

She started to leave her room, but nearly tripped over a nymph sitting on the ground. The young woman yelped with surprise, then jumped up and smiled brightly at her.

"Your mother sent me in case you need anything." Persephone scowled.

"You can tell my mother that I don't need a babysitter," and turned on her heel with a huff. Obviously the nymph wouldn't repeat the message, and she was only doing what she was asked. Persephone sighed, her mind left to turn over what had happened again.

As soon as he'd mentioned fruits of the Underworld, everyone instantly understood the gravity of what they meant except for her. He had offered food to her, just before she left. Was his suggestion a trick to trap her there? If he knew she was coming back, why had he not visited her sooner?

In six days, she would spend half the year there. Truthfully, she was happy to see him again and wished their conversation had not been so short. But in less than a week, she'd have to say goodbye to her mother, her friends, and everything she loved about the world above: thunderstorms, cool gusts of wind, the sun on her back, seas of wildflowers, the full moon.

She was torn, her thoughts warring within her, making her restless. Persephone threw her sheets to the side, determined. She peeked out of her room. It seems she didn't need to hurry; her guard was slouched over with sleep. She crept past her and into the field.

She took a long breath of the cool night air, admiring the deep black of the night sky and the sparkling stars. She would miss vast, open spaces and the feeling of freedom it gave her. But she'd had months of fields and skies, a lifetime even, and hadn't felt free.

She saw the tree she had slept under that day and walked towards it. He could tell it was her coming long before she approached. He heard the rustling at her ankles and felt the hum of her energy in the calm night. He'd recognize it anywhere.

Hades sat so still against the tree, she startled when he turned to look up at her. She stared at him, unsure of where to start..

"I couldn't sleep." He nodded towards the spot next to him. She sat, her shoulder brushing against his. "I figured you wouldn't be asleep either."

"You did?" he asked with surprise. She nodded.

"You never fell asleep before I did. You were always awake before me too." His fingers twitched at the thought of waking up next to her. She was so close he could feel her breathing.

A long silence stretched wider and wider between them. She didn't know what to pick out of the maelstrom of thoughts brewing in her mind. Meanwhile, he was clueless as to where her mind was.

"Did you know what the seeds meant when you ate them?" She looked to his face, but he kept his eyes down.

He hoped she did, meaning the act was a choice to come back to him. Based on the look on her face when he revealed this information today, he feared that wasn't true, and that she unknowingly made a permanent decision.

"I didn't think it meant nothing to eat them but... I didn't know it meant I had to return, no." His chest squeezed with guilt and he looked away from her. His plan had worked, and he would have his queen back. But at what cost?

"Did you know what it meant when you offered them to me?" He looked straight ahead, avoiding her curious eyes on him.


"Why didn't you tell me?" He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and faced her, trying to brace himself for the consequences of what he'd done.

"I knew it was the only way to undo Zeus' order. I was ... afraid you wouldn't choose it, if you knew. I took the choice away from you," he finished bitterly. She stared down at her hands in her lap, considering this.

"You didn't make me eat them, Hades. You only offered. I might not have eaten them..."

"But you did! You did something that will change the rest of your life without knowing it because I was selfish and couldn't risk losing you. I could have let you leave, and now you could decide whether you wanted to return." He moved to stand, but she grabbed his hand, stopping him.

"I can still decide. Everyone acts like I have no say in all of this, but I do."

"Would you have chosen to eat them if you knew?"

It was the question he didn't want to hear the answer to, yet the words tumbled out of his mouth anyway. He had fallen prey to his own morbid curiosity, and now he'd have to face the reality that his wife really was his prisoner. His eyes stayed on her face like a moth to the flame.

Persephone thought back to her time in the Underworld. She thought of the River Styx, of their throne, of the glittering precious stones, of the constant calm. She thought of the rumbling of his voice when he spoke to her, of his fingers interlaced with hers, of his arms around her while she slept, of the weight of his body on top of her, of the way he looked at her. Not once did fields or stars or sun cross her mind.


His face blanched in shock. His body was so tense waiting on her reply he feared his wild hope had caused him to mishear her. Unsure of what to make of his reaction, she offered him a small smile.

"Yes, Hades. I would choose to come back to you."

He ran his fingers along the side of her cheek. Overwhelmed and struggling to find the words, he tilted his head towards her and carefully pressed his lips against hers. She felt her skin heat up at his gentle touch as he captured her full bottom lip between his. After months without him, his kiss was all it took to inflame her.

She kissed him back, wanting more, her hunger reignited by this teasing taste of affection he was giving her. His fingertips grazed across her cheek and down her neck, causing her to shiver. Their sweet, chaste touch changed as she pressed harder and more urgently against him. He needed more than just her lips: he wanted all of her.

She pulled away with a sigh, leaning her forehead against his with a resigned smile.

"Something you'll learn over the next few days: I'm never alone." He tilted his head in confusion until he heard an urgent whisper hiss across the field.

"Lady Kore! Are you there?" Persephone began to rise, but he grabbed her wrist.

"I'm sure I can convince her to leave us."

"You don't know my mother. I shudder to think what she'll do to her if they wake to find me missing."

"After today, I think I do know." She jumped up, brushing off her skirts.

"I'm sure we'll survive a little longer to spare the poor girl."

"You are far more selfless than I am." She planted a kiss on his hand as he reluctantly released her.

"Goodnight, Persephone." She smiled at him with a hint of excitement before skipping off.

"I'll see you in the morning."

Six mornings and six nights with the Goddess of Spring in her realm. He could wait a little longer.

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