
"...okay." Oh god, Renjun regretted this. Jeno's friends were hiding giggles; he just knew it. Lips pressed into upturned curves.

"You may come in class!" Saved by the teacher- something Renjun thought he'd never experience. Just as Renjun was about to scurry away, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Could I perhaps talk to you later then? Just..." Talk?

"Uh sure! I can meet you-"

"Library then?" Jeno nervously glanced at the teacher.

"Sure, that works. What time-"
"Jeno, would you like to come to my class any time soon?" The teacher tapped his foot. "And Renjun, if you get in trouble with your next teacher, it won't be my fault." The pair shared apologetic glances.


"Yeah, yeah okay." And Jeno was whisked away.


Flurries of whispers were spreading across the classroom as Jeno walked in, but quickly quietened with the single glare he cast.

"That's a scholar kid right?" Chenle, his friend and seatmate murmured to him (or at least tried to). Jeno shrugged.

"I mean, probably. Never seen him around here."

"Lee Jeno...don't make me have to-"

"You won't, sir," he swiftly replied. He'd gotten an expert at dodging scolding from teachers at this point. Chenle slipped him a note: "You interested in him or what."

"Maybe," Jeno wrote back.

"Are you sure though?"

"I said maybe."

"Up to you. I heard that one in particular is Different."

"Good. I need some change in more ways than one."

"Why are you here?" Jeno said after searching both stories of the library for Renjun, only to find him in a small corner with a book.

"I got bored-" Renjun coughed, "sorry if I was hard to find." Jeno settled down next to him and slipped off his school bag.

"It's okay. Privacy is something I don't get much anyway."

"Lee Jeno." Something sprung to Renjun's mind about that name.

"Yes, that's me."

"I've heard something about you but I can't quite remember what..." Jeno blushed red and hung his head.

"Probably Donghyuck. Your roommate?"

"Oh yes, that bitc- dude. That dude," Renjun caught his tongue.

"We're somewhat rivals. He used to be super popular; his smarts and all, but after that one time...let's just say he's extremely wary of me now."

"You come off as a popular type to me. So why would you want to talk?" Other than with teachers, this was probably the first civil conversation Renjun had had with someone since coming.

"You mentioned you felt like you owed me, or something."

"And I stand by that. 'Cause it's just that Donghyuck has been like-"

"It's okay. I know what he's like..." They paused and looked at each other. Renjun couldn't help but notice even the smile in Jeno's eyes.

"Unusual," they said in unison and giggled; the librarian hushed them and they resorted to knowing grins.

"But yes," Jeno continued, "So I do actually have something you could do for me-"

"Great! What is it?"

"-I don't wanna seem like I'm taking advantage of you but-"

"I mean as long as it doesn't involve money I guess." Who was he kidding- everyone here was rich anyway.

"Could you come this Saturday to the stables and give me some feedback on something? A dressage test I've been trying to perfect," Jeno apologetically said. His widened puppy eyes were hard to resist and Renjun immediately replied,

"Oh. That seems small enough, so sure. What time?"

What was he getting himself into? He didn't even know the first thing about anything dressage. And he didn't have time to read up on it at some point. Oh no, oh no.

Jeno excitedly clapped, before earning a glare from the librarian and quieting again.

"3 until dinner time!" There went Renjun's three hours of ideal working time.

"I'll see what I can do, but okay. I'll come." Jeno started to get his bag together and stood up.

"I'll see you then!" That smile was surprisingly persuasive. Maybe he'd charmed his way into getting good grades, Renjun thought. Although somehow, that seemed out of character.

"See you!" And he left, leaving a warm spot on the carpet next to Renjun. 

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