04 : Trial of the Blade

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Fear coursed through my body, not because of my situation, but because of Vince and Lionel. Their eyes gleamed malevolently as they swung their scythes in the air. The next thing I knew, the head of the prisoner who was holding me rolled below my dangling body, the look of terror etched on his face.

"Get her out of here," Lionel seethed as he looked at the rest of the prisoners who were as terrified as I was.

Vince immediately carried me and I remembered crying because he got angry at me. I lost consciousness before we could leave the premise and the next thing I knew, I was already sleeping for two days and my eyes had changed permanently into red.

"Wow. I couldn't believe that was already a long time ago," I said as I smiled, remembering Vince's life before he went away and died.

"Yeah. And now all we have is his skinny brat."

I snickered at his snarky remarks. He went on and lambasted his deadpan face, body and attitude until we returned to the main village.

He sighed and shook his head when he saw Vince's kid trying to wield a scythe almost twice his size while Aristus was observing him from the side.

"Can this be used in, say, a fight against a Shinigami?" he asked but before Aristus could reply, Farallon was already charging at their direction.

He tried fending off his attack but Farallon was physically stronger than him. He fell on his back and Farallon pointed his scythe on his neck.

"Yes it can, brat," he said. "this blade has been bathed by Shinigamis' blood since it was made."

"Farallon is one of the best fighters here," Aristus commented as he scribbled on his book. "He was trained by Ise along with Lionel and Vince. Physically, they are on par with them but he's lacking here," he added, pointing at his temple. "In short, he's an idiot."


Farallon's attention shifted to Aristus, who continued commenting about him.

"Yes, that's his real attitude. He only acts quiet to look like Lionel but the truth is he's a lot more savage than Vince."

Farallon looked like he was about to slay Aristus but before he could pull his scythe, Hiro got up and his neck was already touching the blade. That took his attention back to the kiddo.

"Teach me," he suddenly said and that left Farallon dumbfounded.


"Teach me how to wield it effectively," he repeated, the blade still digging onto his neck.

Heh. He wasn't fazed by Farallon's presence and dominance. He's got guts.

This could be interesting.


After twelve hours, Hiro and Nathalie were ready to leave.

"Naia," she called. "Sorry if I wasn't able to talk to you."

"It's okay," I replied. "I know you're busy."

"But I'm glad I got to see you again."

"Me, too."

The kiddo was covered in bruises and cuts after training with Farallon. I thought he'd regret it but he looked like he was already evaluating everything.

"Send Hideo and Michiko my regards," Kyo told Nathalie.

She smiled. "I will, Sir."

"And you, boy," he said while looking at Hiro. "If you really want to be acknowledged by your kin, train until you wish you're dead, and maybe defeat a couple of Executioners upon your return."

He was silent for a few seconds and it looked like he glared at Kyo but that monster didn't catch it.

"I'm already planning to . . . Sir," he retorted as he bowed lightly.

Kyo bellowed, amused at his response. "You rascal, you're really his son."

We watched as their boat disappeared from our sight. Kyo's expression instantly changed when the fog covered the island.

"Let's go back," he ordered and the pressure of his presence was so heavy that I felt like my knees would buckle. "It seems like we'll get a lot of prisoners in the coming days."

That moment, I realized the Erityian race was slowly shifting . . . but I don't know if it's for the better or worse.


Keeper (Erityian Tribes Novella, #5)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin