Casper High

368 2 353

Scenario 1# You were starting your first day of school walking up the steps passing through some students holding your strap onto your backpack with one hand making a calm expression seeing two dudes walking up to you wearing letterman varsity jackets part of the football and basketball team named Dash and his friend forgot his name anyway he starts picking on you for being the new what do you do

Scenario 2# You was relaxing at your lunch table with the main crew Danny,Sam,Tucker, and Valerie just enjoying your time together until sensing some trouble with a ghost breathing out blue air to signal you about them being here there was food being blew out from the cafeteria all random at everybody to scare them with utensils being thrown around at the students as you quickly protect your friends by grabbing and tackling them turning yourself invisible along with them go fazing through them all including Danny felt that as well to protect the main gang being pushed away from the danger and what do you do now

Scenario 3 Make it up?

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