~ My Love~

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It had been two weeks since Tally Craven had found out that she was expecting and she had done a good job at hiding it. Her stomach had grown and she now looked to be about four months pregnant .

"Stop tugging at your uniform your just going to make it more obvious." Whispered Abigail.

"I'm sorry it's just it's really really tight and really hard to breath." Tally said as she played with her jacket some more.

Her mind kept circling as to what she would say to Garrett, more importantly how would he react? Would he be happy, upset, worried. The out comes where endless.

"Hey guys." A familiar voice spoke up taking Tally out of her train of thought.

Scylla Ramshorn was standing at the gateway of the Bellweather's estate waiting for them.

Abigail stopped dead in her tracks glaring at the girl "What are you doing here? You weren't invited!" She growled.

All the color in Scylla's face seemed to drain as she was trying to come up with a reason as to her appearance at a High Atlantic event.

But thankfully for her Raelle stepped in and pulled her girlfriend away before anything else could be said between the two rivals.

The rest of the event seemed to drag on for Tally, she wished Garrett was here to enjoy this with her.

"Can you believe that Scylla just showed up here on her own uninvited? Who does she think she is." Abigail said while drinking her fourth glass of champagne.

She kinda felt bad for drinking in front of Tally as she couldn't drink any alcohol for the next six to eight weeks.

"Hey, hows the bun doing?" She asked pointing at the small bump underneath Tally's jacket.

Tally's cheeks turned bright red at the mention of her baby,

"He's doing fine. Just sleeping." She replied putting her hand on her swollen belly, lately she could quite literally feel the magic draining out of her body daily, but even though she was utterly exhausted and struggled to stay awake through basic training she knew it was worth it every time she saw her stomach getting bigger.

"How do you know it's a boy if you haven't had an ultrasound yet?" Abigail asked, Tally shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know, I just have this feeling it's going to be a boy. I can feel it in his aura somehow."

"Really? Can I feel or is that weird?" Abigail asked.

"No it's not weird at all, here..feel for yourself." Tally said as she unbuttoned her heavy jacket so that her thin grey undershirt was now exposed and then placed Abigail's hands on her now protruding stomach.

Abigail kept her hands there for awhile and didn't feel anything until she was all of a sudden overcome by this overwhelming sense of peace and happiness that had a masculine presence.

"Woah that's insane, and you get to feel that everyday?" She marveled at her sister,

Tally smiled her beautiful dimpled smile "Every second of everyday I can feel him. It's intense but it lets me know that he's real and it's not a dream."

"Tally?" Came a familiar voice.

The bronze haired beauty quickly turned her head to see none other than Gerit Buttonwood standing right in front of her looking handsome in his formal uniform with a strange blue sash across the front.

His beautiful onyx colored eyes were fixated on Abigail's hands on her small baby bump.

Tally felt all the color drain out of her face and she felt her heart drop in the pit of her stomach.

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