Chapter 1: 2014 to 1965

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My name's Violetta Castillo. Some people know me as the amazing and incredible pop star from a small town and- no I'm just kidding. I am the daughter of Germán Castillo. He's a well known scientist. Many people believe that he is the one that's going figure out the secrets to the universe or something like that but to me he's just a casual goofball.

"Do not kiss him, Elena!," My best friend  Francesca shouts at the tv, "Kiss him and I will cut you!". As you can probably already tell, she takes her favourite TV shows very seriously. "You take The Vampire Diaries way too seriously, Fran" I chuckle as we're both sat on the couch together. Francesca glares at me, her hazel eyes burning into me. Her straight black hair was tied into a messy bun, just like mine.  "Don't tell me how to live" She says in a deep hoarse voice. I laugh for a moment thinking she's joking but the look she's giving clearly shows she isn't. "Your dad should invent something that can make me jump into fictional universes so I can punch all of the characters I hate in the face and make out with the ones I love" She says, changing the subject. I smile at Francesca's slight insanity. "Yeah, I'll be sure to bring it upI say sarcastically. I take out my phone and start to tweet.


Watching #VampireDiaries with Fran. Idk why tbh this show has been terrible ever since it reached it's fourth season."

I put my phone down only to just pick up again after hearing a notification. I stare at the unfamiliar username and open the tweet.


@ViluCastillo omfg f*ck u b*tch u know NOTHING no one gives a f*ck about ur opinion TVD is amazing, kys xoxoxo"

I laugh in amusement at the tweet. It wouldn't be twitter without recievingdramatic  from a few psychotic fangirls every once in a while. "Where's your dad?" Francesca asks as the ending credits of the show she's watching appear. "He's at a meeting discussing his new project" I say, grabbing the remote to change the channel. "What project?" She asks with curiosity written all over her face. "I don't know, he's been very secretive about it" I shrug, still flipping through the channels.

For about 5 minutes we sit their in a comfortable silence until I feel Francesca's gaze on me. "He keeps it here, doesn't he?" she says with a mischievous smile. I stare back with her with the same mischievous grin. "Let's check it out"I say.

Francesca's jaw drops open as we both stand in front of a large metal door that can only be opened with a 4 number pin code. "You'd think it would be more than 4 numbers" I say with an eyebrow raised.  "Try 1234" Francesca suggests. I stare at her for  moment and shake my head before entering in the suggested numbers. Invalid appears on the screen. "Oh, damn" Francesca sighs and lightly punches the wall. "Come on," I say in an exhausted tone, "You couldn't have expected it to work." She rolls her eyes at me and sighs again, "Why don't you try then, Sherlock." I playfully wink at her and smile. "Obviously it's the year I was born" I say as I type in another code. Invalid appears on the screen again. "What?!" I almost scream causing Francesca to jump with fright.

20 minutes later Francesca and I are left banging our heads against the wall out of frustration. "This is torture, Vilu" Fran cries. I take a deep breath and punch the keypad. The numbers 6537 appear on the screen. Approved. "Oh my god," I shout, "That actually worked!." Francesca pounds her fists into the air and jumps up and down with joy. I laugh at her before we both finally step into the room. "Well this is disappointing" Francesca says as we notice that all that's in the room is box shaped sort of like a phone box. "Let's take a closer look" I say as I walk closer to the box. I begin to examine it. "Oh my god" I gasp. Francesca instantly walks over to me. "What is it?" She asks as she examines my face. "It's a....time machine" I gasp. Francesca rolls her eyes and snorts, "Yeah sure."

"Fran, I'm serious" I say as I stare at her in shock. She shoots me a hesitant look before deciding to try and take a look for herself. We walk into the box and close the door. "What's this?" She asks as she notices a keyboard with a bunch of numbers on it. "I think if you press the numbers of any year it will transport you to that time." I say before stepping inside. "You coming?" I ask. She groans and steps inside, "Ugh this is not a time machine!" she says. "Then you'll have no problem with me pressing some numbers" I say as I dial in 1965. "Why 1965?" Fran asks. "I don't know, it just popped into my head"  I respond.

We stand there for about a minute without anything happening. "See, I told you this wasn't a time machine" Francesca says smugly. I roll my eyes and sigh. Maybe she's right, if it was my dad would have done a way better job at hiding it from me. I open the door of the box only to be completely surprised. We were in the middle of a street. "What did you do?!" Francesca gasps as she steps out from behind me.  I notice a newspaper and decide to run across the street to look at it with Francesca following behind me. As I pick up the newspaper my heart stops beating as I read "July 7th 1965" on the top corner. "We have to go back, Vilu" Francesca panics, "This is way too creepy". I nod and turn around but when I do I notice the time machine is gone.

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