Bite the Bullet Chp9

Start from the beginning

"Why? What did Blade do now?" Fiona frowned.

Troy sneered and revealed everything to her. I looked down, what had happened two hours ago, pissed me off. I am exhausted, wounded and everything that occurred around me almost suffocated the hell out of me. When Troy finished, I looked up to find they all looked at me. Fiona gaped at me for a few seconds, sighed, shook her head, and walked away.

Great, just bloody great.

I turned my head to the girl, who gathered trash and bloody dressing, preparing to leave. What should I say? How are you? No. I was in my own mental fight when she rotated and looked me straight in the eyes. I gulped.

"Thank you for everything," she glanced at Troy. "Thank you both," her eyes met mine once again. When her green eyes bore into mine, I felt my stomach tip over. What the hell?

Blade, utter something!

"It was our duty Ma'am and it's good to see you are fine," I told her, she nodded and walked away and I exhaled.

"She can talk," Troy whispered.

"No shit," I deadpanned.

"Man, why the hell were you looking at her like that?" Troy interrogated. I glared at him then leaned back on the bed.

Things are going to get riveting now. 


When a man is enforced to rest on a bed and not do anything, they become very temperamental. Especially a man like me, who never desires to get tied down to the bed. Two days crawled and I have been on bed since then, I was unable to hold my rifle because of my damn injured hand.

My team had departed a few hours ago, leaving me behind for the first time in my life. Troy had bid his farewell to me and had been a little sarcastic, he attempted to cheer my mood up. I was disconsolate and devastated to an extent that even Fiona was terrified of me. The look on my face scared patients around me. Of course, I was given the best treatment that won't help my mood and fury that annihilated my forbearance. 

Here I lay on the bed, and literally entreated to get up and do something useful.I couldn't because I was ordered to rest. I was also aware that when I was over with this shit, I will be off to do some patrolling. Which I should add sounds exceeding fascinating at this moment.

Tomorrow will be that day!

I rested my left arm on my forehead, closed my eyes and attempted to calm my head. My bed was far from the other patients, even after Fiona had pulled out the bullet, other doctors had come in to check the wound.

 I sighed. It was then I felt a presence standing next to me.

"Fiona, I need to be alone for now, come later," I dismissed her in an vexed tone. After a while my eyes opened a little, a shadow was still there.

Stubborn as ever.

I was about to snap at her. Fiona seized my right arm, gently then started to replace the bandages. I threw my left hand that rested on my forehead and opened my eyes fully. However, they widened at the sight.

Promptly I sat straight, wiped the annoyed look off of my face, when I cam face-to-face with the owner of the green eyes. The girl blinked and looked down at my hand; she cut off the bandage around my wound and put it on the tray, her gloved hands working professionally.

"What are you doing here?" I blurted. Way to go with the question prick! She simply pointed at my arm.

"Doctor Fiona sent me to change your bandage," she spoke in a small, timid voice.

I had to hiss when she started to clean the wound, but I didn't because I peered at her like a freak. She had casually tied her hair back and left a few strands loose on the front to frame her face. She wore the same cotton t-shirt and pants I had seen her in two days ago.

The thing is she was not intimidated by me. I am well aware of the fact that women are always edge and uncomfortable around me. On the other hand, she was merely busy with her task like I wasn't even there, or maybe she was immensely good at shielding her feelings.

The girl cut a big dressing and placed it on the wound, then cut pieces of medical tape to attach the dressing with the skin on all sides. While busy that, she didn't look at me. I wanted her to look at me, why? I really don't know. Why is it a girl, a girl younger than me has this effect on me? I am a damn soldier and my feelings are supposed to be on place, intact. Then why, why is it when she is around my feelings are at all places?

At last, which was sooner than I thought, she encased a cloth strip around the injured area, and it was over like that. We did not talk; all I did was to gaze down at her.

"I will come to check on you later," she spoke not looking up, grabbed her tray and rotated to depart.

Oh no you don't.

"Thank you ma'am."

She looked over her shoulder and gave a short nod, a strand of those river-like hair fell on her face.

"Can I know who I am thanking, ma'am?" I asked with a straight face, but inside I was apprehensive if she will trust me enough to let me know her name.

"Avalina and you are Blade," was her reply and I almost smiled but stopped myself. She knew my name.

"Yes Ma'am," I nodded, with that she left. I threw myself back on the bed, well I suppose this is not that bad.


 Sooooooooooooooooooo did you guys like this chapter? Let me know what you think in your comments and don't forget to vote.

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