Bite the Bullet Chp8

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 Warning: This chapter is all my imagination, and it contains violence! 


                  The dead soldier's silence sings our national anthem.

Five days crawled by in severe trepidation. We had been patrolling in the Humvee ever since then. This place was hazardous, and my bum hurt like hell from all the sitting in the back. Those scoundrels had planted mines near their hideouts, which made it almost insurmountable for us to march in and annihilate them. The place we were in, was supposedly a town that was now owned by these monsters after they slaughtered all the residents.

Our team was exhausted after all the killing that went along with the fading sun. The men in my team were wounded but it wasn't grievous. Zach would calculate the times we were ambushed and would think of a new strategy to move around like shadows. It was devastating and intolerable, rest hours were the same, two of us would look out for about two and a half hours.

Rest was eminently important for us, without it our bodies would not function in a proper manner even when orders were yelled at us. Right now it was 1:00 in the morning, my man Mason and I had the duty to the lookout. My team rested in a room that had no roof and was torn apart. It was supposed to be a house I guess a Bazooka didn't like its design.

Well, I suppose it was preferable to sleeping under the open, vast sky or on sticky, cold dirt. Mason and I were outside the room and literally kicked ourselves to remain awake. I got wearied of standing motionless so I hopped on the bonnet of the Humvee, with my rifle in hand and looked skywards. The stars glistered like tiny diamonds and the crescent smiled down on us puny humans. It got chillier and bitter day by day as winter knocking at the door.

I heard footsteps and rotated my head to my right only to find Mason. He strolled to where I sat. "What's up?" he asked, then mirrored my posture and sat beside me.

"Nothing just looking at the stars," I murmured the truth.

"Damn," he chuckled, "Now that would have been bizarre if you said you were making a wish," he joked which made us both laugh.

"Nah I can't wish upon a star I am a few million years late," Mason turned to look at me with a raised brow, " The star is already dead," his other brow lifted, "According to astronomy," here his lips twitched and he guffawed.

The silence was what followed us after that. "Just half an hour then we can rest," I sighed, and rubbed my neck.

"Man, I am tired," he complained, looking around at the gloomy world around us.

"Yo Mase, did you talk to Angelic?" I glanced at him sideways. 

A dejected smile appeared on his lips. "Yeah back at the Base I did, and to Tasha as well, even though all she did was babble," he chuckled at the mention of his baby girl.

"It's been forever since I visited, last time I saw Tasha she was just five months old," I told him as I recalled the day I held his baby girl in my hands. Man, Tasha looked exactly like her mother, Angelic, they both were really heavenly.

"She is almost a year old now," Mason smiled. I grinned back at him.

Mason loved Angelic ever since he had seen her in high school. Yeah, she was voluptuous, I agree and every man desired her. Mase was after her for a long time and in the end, she fell for him once he materialized in front of her in the army uniform. She could not help but say 'yes' when he proposed to her.

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