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          Putting up fences was always Melody's favourite activity on her island.  Something about the way they separated different parts of the land brought a sense of calmness over her.  Every fence she built became one with the ever growing and turning wall that twisted throughout the village she created with her own two hands.  A sigh washed over her as she ran out of fence material to place, deciding it was time to retire for dinner.

          Melody smiled and set down her switch after saving her game of Animal Crossing.  A pop erupted from her spine as she stretched herself out on the wooden floor of her new dorm room.  Only a couple of days ago had she and her nineteen classmates moved into one of U.A.'s new dormitories, Heights Alliance.  Melody's room was already perfectly set up to accommodate her style, fit with a fresh coat of brown paint, hung tapestries, and many plants.  

          Getting up from the floor, Melody tightened the belt on her thick housecoat and grabbed her phone, stuffing it in her pocket as she left the dorm and strolled down the hall.  Being on the fourth floor wasn't terrible, but it also wasn't ideal for the shape of her legs, oftentimes she would ascend the stairs on all fours, or descend walking sideways.  The inconvenience of the mutations she inherited from her mother made for a more interesting life for Melody.  Finally making it to the ground floor, the young student was met with her fellow students eating an eccentric, purely Japanese meal in the common dining area.  Melody, hailing from North America, didn't often eat the same foods as the others, but made her own meals in the kitchen if she felt like it.

          "Hey, King!" the familiar voice of Mina rang out among the noise of the room, causing Melody's ears to perk up and turn towards the couches.

          "Hey, Ashido, what are you guys up to?" Melody asked, making her way to the couches and boldly taking the empty seat between Bakugou and Kirishima.

          "We're just talking about how Bakugou over here wont show anyone his room. Even Todoroki did it, but he remains impossible as always." Kaminari piped in, a disappointed look painting his face, "Come to think of it, you didn't show anyone yours either, did you, King?" 

          Melody laughed and played with the hem of her housecoat, "Yeah, well... No, I didn't. I guess I didn't find it that necessary. Besides, my room isn't fantastic or anything. Just imagine me but as a bedroom."

          Mina snorted and leaned back, "I've seen it," she jabbed her thumb to her chest proudly, "It's filled with earth tones, her bed is all closed in with dressers and she has a huge pile of pillows on the floor."

          "That's my cuddle pile," Melody giggled, "We have one back at home too, old family habit of being touchy." she leaned her head on Kirishima's shoulder as an example, to which the male was unfazed by the flattering yet familiar action.

          "Oi, goat," Bakugou piped in, face scowling, "What the fuck do you have in your room that makes so much goddamn noise all the time?"

          Melody's eyebrows furrowed in thought, "Um, there really isn't anything that should create noise... Unless it's my hooves," she self consciously crossed her pasterns, "I can lay a carpet down if it will make you fee--"

          "It's not your fucking feet," Bakugou cursed, rolling his eyes, "It's an annoying sound that stops and starts whenever it wants. I've already talked to round face and stupid, it isn't them, so it must be you."

          Melody thought for a moment about all the items she had placed in her room.  TV, dressers, a desk, plants, candles... "Oh!" she suddenly perked up with a smile, lifting her head from Kirishima and turning towards the blonde, "My wind chime!" 

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