My face turned a deep shade of red as my eyes slightly grew bigger in size. I figured they could hear us, but I didn't realize ... damn it. Were we really that loud? 

"The walls are paper thin. You should know that by now," she continued, laughing at me as she shook her head.

"Of course I know that," I scoffed, remembering several complaints I used to receive. "Anyways, I'm going to the restaurant."

Isabella looked up from her book and nodded towards the door, "Well, hop to it. Get to the kitchen before Niall bites your head off for being late again."

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed a water bottle and something to eat before I headed out of the apartment. It was pretty warm outside already, so walking down the streets in these sweatpants was making me feel really hot.

When I got to the restaurant, Niall had just walked inside, starting to set up the music player. Right as he picked a song, he turn around and jumped slightly at the sight of me.

"Jesus, Styles! You really gotta stop sneaking up on me like that."

"I didn't even do anything. You're just skittish in general."

"Am not!"

"Are, too!"

"Am not!"

"Are, too!"

"Am not!"

He reached his hand out and hit me in the shoulder, and the next thing I knew, the two of us were play fighting with anything we could use in the restaurant. We were using the brooms and mops as swords and the utensils buckets as shields. We would've kept fighting if I hadn't slipped on one of the laminated menus that had fallen to the floor.

As my foot slid, I came crashing down, collapsing onto the tiled floor and knocking down a filled bucket of utensils on the way. Needless to say, I caused a gigantic mess, as well as probably bruised a few parts of my body. 

And Niall? Well he doubled over in laughter until he couldn't even stand anymore, falling onto the floor beside me.

"That was stupid," he laughed, trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah, you think?"

Niall looked around the area before he ended at me, "Well we have a lot more to clean up now."

He stood up and helped me up to my feet. I swear tomorrow morning I'm going to have bruises the size of a baseball on my ass and elbows. 

The two of us actually got right to work, washing dishes and cleaning the tables and sweeping the floors. Not to mention weaving in some singing and air guitar solos. Cleaning the kitchen had never been this much fun until Niall came along. 

We talked for a little while about what was going on with Summer's parents and how I was meeting them for dinner tonight. Niall was so relieved that things started to work out after what happened at the charity event; he was afraid he had ruined it by telling me what to do.

Filomena showed up earlier than normal to work on some financial stuff, so Niall and I had a nice conversation with her when she came in. We can't get very far along in a conversation until Niall starts cracking up at the way Filomena pronounces things with her accent. He just finds it so damn amusing. 

Eventually, all the waiting staff showed up for their shifts. Niall left to go meet Zayn somewhere, so he waved his hand and shouted something at me from down the street. I can never understand what he says when he yells. He often times talks too fast, and everything he says comes out as one long word.

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