"Hold on, Barbie, I got you something." I looked at him in confusion as he moved away from me.

He walked to the back driver's side and pulled the door open, I moved closer and looked inside to realize they had gutted out the entire backseat and put down a carpeted board, the only seats were the passenger seat and the driver's seat. I squinted as my eyes adjusted and then I realize that it was actually a small box in gleaming rainbow and candy corn designed paper that was sitting beside the M4A1s that I saw earlier. I looked at the small square box as Freddie shut the door behind him before pushing it towards me, I was hesitant take it as I looked at everyone else while they watched me. 

I moved to the small stool table in the corner of the car cubicle before unwrapping Freddie's gift for me. I lifted the lid slowly just as I heard something scratch at the side of the box, I immediately dropped the lid in utter shock as I looked at the big brown eyes staring back at me. The solid white Pitbull puppy must of sensed it's freedom as it attempted to jump out the box with no avail, it was so adorable to see and I couldn't help but coo as I lifted it out the box while it's docked tail wagged. I smiled as it's tiny pink tongue lapped at my chin while I held it close to my heart, I couldn't help but look up at Freddie in shock as he gave me a tiny smile. 

"Warden Harper owed me." He said with a shrug whenever I looked over at him shock.

Eddie and Turner didn't appear shocked so I assumed they knew what he was going to ask for, but not only did he do something for me, he used his favor on me so that I can get a puppy that I never knew I actually wanted. I reached up and gently rubbed it's head as I heard the sound of more scrapping before looking down to see that there was yet another puppy down inside, but it was solid black instead of white like the one in my arms. I cooed even more as Freddie chuckled at my reaction while moving  closer to me, he grabbed the solid black one and allowed the dog to lap at his face before he reached up and scratched the head of the puppy in my arms. 

"Thank you, Freddie." I said sincerely, I was so thankful for his tiny act as it made me realize why Freddie wanted to do this.

There was so much waiting outside for him, his children, even angry baby mother, and as well as many other things I probably didn't know he had going and that was why he was eager to race. I was amazed at the realization that I was also wanting out, I wouldn't mind leaving if it meant that I could go be somewhere else but here. I wanted Freddie to win his last two races and then we both leave, if that was how the game worked. I wanted to be able to finish my life the right way because sitting in prison for these next few years weren't going to get me anything but homesick and lonely. 

I couldn't let Freddie leave my side, and even thought he had told me that he wouldn't leave me, I was more than reassured that this was the right thing to do. In this situation, taking another person's life was going to be okay, as well as forgiven. With my mindset completely rearranged, I smiled up at Freddie while he lightly pecked my forehead. I was thankful Freddie hadn't treated me any different since the morning that guard had visited us, he simply told me he wouldn't use me in that manner ever again because he had gotten jealous. 

"You used your most biggest favor on some damn mutts?" We heard and all heads turned to Renegade came to stop at the end of the cubicle with a smirk on his face.

"That's what I was wondering." Mickey spoke up, causing our glare to fall on him next as he quickly cut his widened eyes.

"Yeah, the fuck that gotta do with you, Renegade?" Freddie asked.

Renegade smirked and simply shrugged, looking up and down slowly before reaching his toe in and scrubbing it along the floor as if he was marking something, I frowned at the action because I knew what it meant, it meant he was wanting to start a feud between the gangs. I wasn't sure what exactly he wanted and what exactly he was going to gain out of it, but it was stupid that he was going to do something like this so close to the race date. 

"You would rather work separate than work together?" Turner asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing personal... you're everyone's target." The new Renegade explained. "You should of warned your friend before he killed Poppi." 

"That don't have shit to do with us, it was a death race." Turner reasoned, looking at Renegade leader with disbelief. "I know you guys have pea brains but that means everyone dies except the last man standing to advance, dumbass."

I looked at Reggie, or rather Renegade, to notice that his eyes rarely wandered away from Turner as Turner shook his head in disbelief because of the stocky man's actions. Renegade was no taller than six-feet, his eyes were a hazel brown with thick black hair atop of his head in a nappy mess, his skin was the color of mahogany and surprisingly blemish-free. I watched Renegade's body language as it was pretty stern and alert as he watched mostly Turner if anyone, as if him and Turner had their own problems before this.

"But, we have our own vendetta, don't we Turner." I thought they had. 

"Fuck you and that vendetta." Freddie spoke up before Turner responded, I was curious to see what they were talking about. "Ya'll want war, ya'll got it!" Freddie yelled angrily to the entire garage. 

No... I'd rather NOT have war. 

Prison Bait: Bryson: RecoveryWhere stories live. Discover now