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Hi, my name is Luka. I just celebrated my twenty-fourth birthday. After graduating from college, my parents help me find this shabby apartment I now call home. I shouldn't complain. 

It is a small studio apartment. Large windows in the corner of the room.I love being able to look out onto the downtown area of Chicago. At night, the lights cast beautiful colors into the entire room. The people wandering the streets half-drunk at night, always makes me laugh. 

Anyway, back to me. I finally got a job with my degree. I graduated with a Bachelors's degree in computer science and programming. It took me six years. And I am proud of what I have done. 

My first day of work is in the morning. I will be working in the IT department of the most popular tech company, Zimmerman Tech Inc. It has been my wish to work there since they surfaced eight years ago. Their tech has been helping a lot of people out. 

Shaking my head out of the daydream of what tomorrow will be like. I wash the dishes from dinner. Getting ready for bed, I set my alarm for six a.m. Climbing between the covers, I face the big windows. As I fall asleep, I smile from the thought of the coming day.

I check my appearance once more before heading out the door. Locking the door, I head off for my first day of work. I watch others, they shuffle like zombies. I smile to myself as I walk into the cafe down the street from my apartment. 

I look around the subway for an empty seat. I always glare at the people holding the handrails from the roof. Being five foot two, I can't really reach them. I sip my coffee as we pull out the station. The morning ride is always so peaceful until the school students start getting on. 

Putting on my headphones, I play my gay Nightcore list. I guess I forgot to mention something earlier. I am gay. 

As the train pulls to my station, I finish my coffee. Walking towards the exit, I throw the cup in the trash. After walking two blocks, I stop and stare up at the building in front of me. I smile. I am finally here!

Walking to the receptionist I smile, "Hi."

She looks at me smiling, "Good morning, how can I help you?"

"Today is my first day. Could you direct me to the IT department," I ask.

Her eyes widen, "well welcome to the company! You need to get on the elevator and go to the fifth floor. Then follow the signs."

Nodding my head, "Okay, thank you so much." I wave as I walk away.

I walk onto an elevator that only has one other person. I hit the button for the floor I need. Then step back.

"Good morning," I say cheerfully.

The man looks at me sternly, "Morning."

"It's my first day! How long have you been working here," I ask trying to have a conversation.

He turns to me slightly, "I've been here since the very beginning."

My eyes take in the view I have been given. His shoulders are broad. Forrest green eyes below black brows. His hair gelled back in a stylish way. A cough brings my eyes up as they were making their way over his chest.

My cheeks redden, "I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"This is your floor right," he nods towards the door.

"Oh gosh, it is. Thank you. It was nice meeting you," I say as I rush off.

Looking at the signs. I turn left towards the IT department. I hear I slight chuckle as the elevator doors were closing. My cheeks redden even more. Was he laughing at me? That's very rude. The thought of him laughing at me makes me angry. 

I walk into the office and ask someone for the director of the department. I walk over to the desk to the far right. 

"Good morning sir, my name is Luka. I am your new employee," I smile as I hold out my hand.

He stands up, holding out his hand, "Good to have you, Luka. We have a busy day ahead of us. The big boss is coming for a check-up this week. I will show you your desk and go over what needs to get done."

Nodding my head I follow him. Taking mental notes of everything he says. We stop walking at an empty desk. I notice my name hanging in the cubicle. 

"Well, you know what needs to be done now. If you have any questions, ask Beth," he says.

Almost like magic, a woman pops up beside me, "Hello newbie. My name is Beth. I habitat the cubicle right next to you."

"Nice to meet you," I say, then turn to the director, "thank you, sir."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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