authors note

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Ok imma skip to when Jay and her siblings and father, of course the pets also, got back from Illinois, if you want to know what happened go and read my other story "Girl in A All Boy School," please tell me what you think about both of them. I thank you for reading both of my story's even if there not great, im trying and I hope you are enjoying my story so far. I love wattpad and im happy they let us write our own books. I try to make every chapter make sense, sometimes I have to act them out to see if they make sense or not and if they don't I have to rewrite it. I like making sure you can make sense out of my story's that why with certain part i act them out. Remember that im skipping to whenever Jay and them got back from Illinois and make sure to read my other story "Girl in A All Boy School" and tell me what you think! 😁

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