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Warning! This mentions attempted suicide! Please be careful when reading this! Know that someone loves you even if you don't think so. It will get better!

Nozel POV

I tsked when I saw my cousin watching my wife the entire time during the meeting.

"Is there something wrong, Nozel?" Kaiser asked beside me.

I shook my head. "No, continue."

The larger man shrugged and continued. I took notes during the meeting and every once in a while, I aimed daggers at Fuegeleon who sent them back.


"Let's go," I dragged (y/n) away from the meeting room. We didn't get far.

"Just who do you think you are?" Fuegeleon hissed when he stopped us before I could leave the room.

The rest of the captains had already left.

(y/n) struggled in my grip. "Fuegeleon, it's nothing."

"It's not," he insisted. "Nozel, you should be ashamed of yourself! (y/n) is clearly unhappy!"

"How would you know?" I spat. "You don't know a damn thing about this commoner."

Fuegeleon rubbed his temples. "Anyone with a speck of common sense can see that she isn't happy. Otherwise, why would she be so reserved and jump at every little thing?"

"You don't know what you're talking about. Now get out of my way."

I knew (y/n) cast him an apologetic look. I dragged her home the entire way.

People and servants moved out of the way as I stormed through.

"Nozel, stop!" (y/n) gasped in pain.

I stopped and glared at her. "Are you really ordering me what to do, lowly commoner?"

Her lip trembled and she looked at me in fear. "N-No! I-"

"Then shut up." I quickly brought her home and pushed her against the wall after slamming the door shut. "You've got to learn that your place is beside me. Not Fuegeleon. Not Kyle's. Not Simon's. Especially not my fucking brothers! DO YOU HEAR ME?"

I was screaming now.

(y/n) flinched.

I knew she was afraid of me.

Knowing that hurt me, but she still needed to learn who really was in charge here.

Tears streamed down her face and she pushed me away and ran upstairs. Our bedroom door slammed shut.

I heard Nebra upstairs knock on our door gently. "(y/n)?" 

I ran fingers through my silver hair. I loved the (h/c)-haired female very much, but I still had no idea how to manage these foreign feelings inside of me even though we've been married for almost a year.

"Mother Acier, help me." I took five deep breaths and walked upstairs.

Nebra glared at me. It seems (y/n) wouldn't open the door to her. "Don't you dare go in there and yell at the poor girl, Nozel."

I hissed at her and she sighed and walked away.

I tried to open the door but it was locked. "(y/n). Open the damn door."

I saw a shadow and knew she was leaning on it inside. "Open the door."

She let out a choked sob.

"If you don't open this door I'll-" What would I do? "-I'll forbid you from leaving this room for an entire month."

The door unlocked and I opened it, only to see her racing to the door that lead to the balcony, opening it, and running out.

"(y/n)?" I cautiously walked into to the balcony. She wasn't looking at me. In fact, she was standing dangerously close on the railing. My bedroom was on the third floor and the ceilings in the home were high.

"Don't do anything foolish," I walked closer.

She wasn't looking at me. "I wonder what it's like to fly by yourself,"

"Shit, (y/n). Get down from there. Now."

She took a step closer to the edge. "I wonder how many people would miss me."

I raced towards her form as she took another step forward. "(y/n) Kiten Silva! Step back. Now."

She ignored me. 

I couldn't afford to touch her. "(y/n). Please, step down. Let's talk."

"I don't want to," her voice was shaking. "You've hurt me so much. Not physically, but verbally."

I was silent as she continued.

"Don't waste your time with some lowly commoner such as myself." 

As she said that, she took one final step and her form fell from the balcony.


I quickly aimed a spell that would stop her from falling. She landed on my spell and it slowly lifted her back to me.

"Why..." she cried out loud. "God damn it, why? Why would you save me!?"

I said nothing but came closer and held her tightly in my arms.

"God damn it...you ruined me! You ruined my final chance of happiness!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Nebra and Solid in my bedroom.

"Shh...I got you."

"Get off me!" She pushed me away. "You claim to love me, but then you turn around and treat me horrible! Lovers don't do that, Nozel." She looked down at her shoes and slunk to the floor, leaning against the railing. "We're not even lovers."

"(y/n)...I am so sorry," I whispered as I came to engulf her again. 

"God damn you!! I...I hate you, Nozel Silva! I hate you!"

It was silent.

"Yes, you do," I agreed. "I'm so sorry."

"Bullshit!" She spat as rain pelted us. "If you were truly sorry, you would let me be happy!"

"You know I get jealous-"

"Bull-fucking-shit!" The (h/c)-haired female shouted. "You shouldn't be jealous! I don't even love you!"

Solid came outside with Nebra. "(y/n), come with us."

Nebra and I met stares but she glared at me and her gaze softened when she helped (y/n) up. "Come, (y/n). Let's get you cleaned up."

As soon as they were inside, Solid turned around and gave me a menacing glare.

"What the fuck, Nozel! You say you're sorry to her, yet your arrogant attitude towards her and anyone is so bad that it doesn't seem like you are sorry! Fix your damn arrogance!"

He left me on the balcony as lightning flashed across the sky.

[One-Sided] Nozel Silva x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum