seven single acts of indiscretion

Start from the beginning

My phone rings on my desk so I pick it up, the caller ID reads Ellie, so I answer it. My finger slides across my screen; you can hear the tapping of my pure white acrylic nails against my iPhone 11 screen.
"Hello" I say into my phone then yawn "girl don't even think about it, we're going out tonight— and you ain't gonna turn me down and say you're too tired"

I groan rubbing my forehead "but I am too tir—"
"Ah ah," she interrupts me "I'm coming to yours at 9pm so be ready! Chan, you need to let loose. I promise, you won't regret it" she says down the phone making me sigh.
I nod "okay, okay!" I sigh in defeat "I'm coming out tonight"

"Yes! Finally" she exaggerated down the phone
As I'm about to start up another conversation, Fletcher rushes to my office and pops his head in then slaps the door twice "I need you in my office" he stated then walked off with some woman following behind him.
Ellie laughs down the phone "was that Fletcher??"

I nodded laughing "it sure was" she then asked "why does he want you in his office, does he wanna fuck Miss Chantel Henderson on his desk?!" She whines like she's trying to tease me making me growl "shut the fuck up" I say ending the call her laughter gets cut off when my phone ends.
I put my phone on my desk and walk out of my office.

I walk down the hall and knock on his office door "come in!" He calls out.
I open his door and enter his office.

"Chantel, this is Samantha Cole. Mes Cole, this is Miss Chantel Henderson!" Fletcher introduces us both "nice to meet you, Mrs Cole" I almost bowed "nice to meet you also Miss Henderson, and I love your nails!"
I smiled and complimented her red ones "and I love yours too!" I smiled widely.
I see Fletcher roll his shoulders back and sigh as he slumps his statue. I glance at him and furrow my brows. I step back and allow them to get on with their business.

Mine and Fletcher's new client Samantha reads through a document that Fletcher spent the whole of last night writing up and putting together.

"This is good. This is really smart!" The client smirked looking up at Fletcher. Fletcher smiled widely "thank you."
I squinted my eyes at him making him gulp nervously "with the help of my beautiful partner over there, of course, it's gonna be smart" he joked making me nod in approval. Samantha laughed at us.

Samantha then sighed "only it's not... like not true. Every word of it is a lie" she confessed holding the papers in her hand.
Fletcher and I exchanged glances.
"I mean.. isn't that a problem??"

Fletcher replied knowingly "Mrs Cole, the only problem here is that after you've provided years of faithful service and loving support, of raising his children- -" Fletcher slowly pacing his office stops and then looks at Mrs Samantha Cole "they are his??" He asks to make sure.. considering the circumstances of this divorce case. And what her husband is accusing her of.

"Hm? Oh yeah. One for sure." She replied almost instantly, like there was nothing wrong in what she said, I widened my eyes slightest as I crossed my arms over my chest.
Fletcher cleared his throat, I think even he felt uncomfortable,

He then continues "after all that, your husband wants to deny you a fair share of the marital assets based on one single act of indiscretion- -"

"Seven" Samantha interdicts Fletcher. He stops pacing again, in shock, and turns to Samantha "hm?" He questioned then she said in her annoying voice "seven single acts of indiscretion"

Fletcher carries on as normal, but I know he is disturbed by this woman's none existent loyalties to her husband, "- - Seven acts of indiscretion, only one of which he has any evidence of, and all of which he is responsible, for"

"He is??" She questioned him and Fletcher scoffed "Mrs Cole I stayed up all night last night studying your case. Not just your case... but you. And, by now, I feel I know you. You are the victim here. The wife of a cold, distant, businessman. Starved for affection, driven into the arms of another man - -"

"Seven" she interrupts him again telling him the correct number of people she has cheated on her husband with.

Fletcher doesn't miss a beat "- - Seven other men. You're not trying to deny him what is rightfully his. All you're insisting on is what is rightfully yours. And maybe an idgy-smidgy bit more. I think you're bending over backwards!" Fletcher talks a load of shit while i over look her case.

"Well, I did agree to give him joint custody of the kids..." she then looks at me "he's always been a good father"
I smiled at her.

Fletcher then says "you've always been a good wife."
Samantha then seems to get worked up "yeah.." she sighed.

"I'm tired of getting kicked around!" She stated standing up "good for you!" Fletcher enthusiastically says.
She holds her hand out for him to shake "Thank you, Mr Reede. I'm so grateful I have an attorney I can trust!"

She gives Fletcher a hug then momentarily grabs Fletcher's arse, with a farewell nod to me. Rude bitch. She walks out and I shut the door behind her.

I turn to Fletcher and smirk "you're good. You're really good!"
He smirked widely and waves me off "oh, pshaw"

"Bye Fletcher" I smile and walk to the door, I open it and walk out.
"Bye Chan!" He calls out after me.

I walk to my office grabbing my things preparing myself to head home.
I finish at 6pm, it's not 5:55pm.
I make my way to ground floor with all my belongings.

I get into my car and put on my Spotify playlist of all my favourite songs. I then drive home singing to some of the greatest songs in the charts right now.

An Inconvenient Attachment {M.J.}Where stories live. Discover now