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"Shivika my princess why are you crying?" Asked Shivaay picking up her 5 year old daughter in his arms.

"Doggy!" She cried clutching his shirt.

"Doggy?" Shivaay mumbled being confused.

"Mumma..doggy..out out." She hiccuped

"Anika why is Shivika crying and what about doggy?" Asked Shivaay seeing his wife entering inside the room.

"Today after coming back from the school , she sneaked puppy inside the house without anyone know and that small puppy created havoc in mansion especially in Mom-Dad's room. So I asked Khanna Bhaiya to take that pup away and since then she is crying for it."

"Aww, my baby wants a doggy?" Asked Shivaay to which Shivika's eyes twinkled in excitement and she looked up at her father as if asking what she heard is true.

"Shivaay you know right you have allergy from dog." Anika reminded him. It was not like she hated dogs, infact she loved them but knowing Shivaay is allergic to them, she denied Shivika for keeping that puppy in the house.

"Don't worry Anika, I have solution for that but nothing is more important than my princess wish." He rubbed his nose with her making her giggle.

"I love you paa." Shivika hugged him while Anika smiled seeing father-daughter bond.


Thank you guys for your love and appreciation. I'm glad you guys liked it.

This drabble is been updated in a way to thank you guys.

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