Chapter 2 ~ Sneaking Out

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I land the jet in the huge open field and step out.

"(Y/n)!" A familiar voice calls out to me.

I smile as two pairs of feet run over to me and tackle me with hugs.

"We missed you." The little girl says to me.

"I missed you too Lila," I say as I hug her tighter. "You too Cooper." I ruffle his hair and pull him closer to me. I look up to see Clint and Laura smiling at me from the doorway. We pull away and go toward the doorway with the two kids on either side of me. "Hey Clint, Laura."

Clint smiles and pulls me into a hug. "It's good to see you." When we pull away I hug Laura next.

Before Clint and Laura can ask me anything, Lila starts tugging me up the stairs. Clint and Laura laugh and so do I. Cooper follows after us and Lila drags me into Cooper's room.

"Oh we gonna do this again?" I ask, looking at them knowingly.

"Duh." Cooper answers.

"Can we play Mario Party instead?" Lila asks.

I point at Lila. "Let's do what she says."

Cooper doesn't argue and puts the game in. We pick our characters and the map and start playing. In the end Lila ends up winning with me in second and Cooper in last.

"I call BS!" Cooper yells and crosses his arms, pouting like the child he is.

I chuckle and shrug. "She won fair and square. You guys want to play another round though?"

I see Lila put her hand under her chin in thought. "I got an idea."

Lila leaves the room and I look at Cooper. He just shrugs and we wait for her to come back. She comes back a few minutes later with supplies of makeup in her tiny arms. She drops it on Cooper's bed. Cooper and I back away from her and the makeup.

"No, no, no we're not having a—"

"Makeover!" Lila cuts me off.

"So..." Cooper says slowly. "Who's the test subject?"

Lila points a finger at me. "You."

"Nope! Not happening!"

Cooper goes over to stand next to Lila. "Oh this is gonna be good." He smirks mischievously.

"Cooper!" I say and place a hand over my heart in mock hurt.

Cooper shrugs. "Sorry not sorry."

I sigh. "I don't have a choice do I?"

"Nope!" They both say.

Cooper then grabs my shoulders and guides me to his bed. I sit on the edge of it as they tower over me with the utensils of death in their hands. They apply blush to my cheeks. Mind you they did it very roughly. They then put mascara on me and accidentally poked me in the eye in the process. Let me tell you that shit hurt like a butt cheek on a stick! Finally they apply eyeshadow, using multiple different colors and then also adding whatever else to the rest of my face. Cooper spots Laura walking past the room and stops her.

"Hey mom!" He calls, stopping Laura in her tracks. "What do you think?"

He and Lila show off their final product and I sit there with pleading eyes.

"Help me." I mouth to her.

Laura chuckles. "It looks nice, but now I think it's time for both of you to get to bed."

"Aww." They whine but comply.

They walk out to go do their nightly business in the bathroom while Laura comes over to me, handing me some makeup wipes.

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