Chapter 44

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Avu and Sid were sleeping in each other's arms. Avu woke up and memories of last night came to her mind and a smile made her way on her face. She looked at Sid who was still sleeping.

Avu's P.O.V.
Aww he looks so cute while sleeping. Just like a small and innocent baby. I love this guy so much.
P.O.V. ends.

Sid opened his eyes and saw Avu staring at him.

He smiled at her and snapped his fingers in front of her eyes. She came out of her dreams.

Sid chuckeled on seeing her.

Sid: Good morning love

He kissed his cheeks.

Avu: Good morning

They talked for sometime and then Sid was about to get up to go and Avu caught his wrist.

Sid: What happened? You wanna say something

Avu nodded her head

Sid sat beside her

Sid: Say

Avu: Sid can ask you for a promise?
Sid: Why not baby
Avu: Promise me that you won't talk about that Riyaz ever again because it hurts me too much
Sid: Ok. But u also have to promise me that you will never hide anything from me again
Avu: I promise
They both hugged each other.
Flashback ends

Abhi and Vaish were shocked on hearing this.
No one said anything and Avu quietly got up and went to her room.
Abhi's phone rang. He picked it up.
Abhi: Hi Ari. Is everything alright?
Ari: Bhayia Anu is crying too much
Abhi: Ari please take care of her. Sorry for the trouble
Ari: Not at all. After she is my best friend
Abhi: Thanks. If you need anything call me
Ari: Yee sure
Cuts the call.
Sid got up and went to Avu's room. She was standing near the window. Sid went and back hugged her.
Avu: Sid I am sorry
Sid: What for?
Avu: It's all because of me
Sid breaks the hug.
Sid: Avu I explained you earlier as well. It's not your mistake. Don't blame yourself for no reason.
Avu nodded her head. Sid left.
After sometime Avu was sitting on bed and Abhi entered and sat in front of her.
Avu: Bhayia you here? Everything alright?
Abhi: (in a cold voice) Yes I wanted to talk to you
Avu: Bhayia are you angry from me?
Abhi: Yes I am. Don't you think I am your elder brother and I deserve to know your problems. Why you didn't tell me earlier?
Avu: I'm sorry bhayia (tears rolled down her eyes)
Abhi kissed her forhead and hugged her.
Abhi: I can't see my sister crying
Abhi wiped her tears.
Abhi: Take care of yourself and don't hide anything again
Avu: Ok bhayia
At night
In Abhinavi's room
Both were sleeping and Abhi's phone rang.
Abhi picked the call.
On the other side Ari was crying.
Abhi: Ari what happened? Is everything alright?
Ari: (crying) Bhayia Anu cut her wrist. Doctor said she is very critical. Pls come to hospital asap
Abhi: Ok. I am coming

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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