I had no choice whatsoever, so I was dragged to the castle by force. I've been struggling to break free the whole ride to the castle, but no luck.

Entering the castle you could say everything was made out of pure gold! The chandelier hanging above me was made out of crystals that shined upon the sunlight.

The castle was magnificent all right? Such a shame that such cruel people had to live here.

They dragged me into a larger room with two royal throne chairs. The bigger chair was empty while the smallest one was companied by the queen.

I felt like vomiting all the food I had eaten a week ago. This women disgusted me to no end.

"Bow before your queen!" Yelled the guard that had previously attacked me. "No way in hell am I going to do that" I snorted.

"Well aren't you a piece of sunshine?" She spoke through her teeth, clearly mad. "Well aren't you a piece of dirt"

"by your disrespectfulness I'll give you two choices for your punishment. it's clear that you're young and have experienced nothing yet. It would truly be a shame to die now eh?"

I kept quiet as she continued rambling. "Two choices, I give you two choices girl" "the name's Lindsey" I interrupted.

Clearing her throat, she resumed talking "anyways Lindsey, you've got two choices. It's either you die or become a maid in the castle" my eyes shot up and my eyes were now completely focusing on her.

Did I hear correct? I either die or work for her? Okay first of all both choices are horrible. "B!tch" I muttered under my breath.

Making up my mind I choose the stupidest one, nope not death but becoming a maid. "I'll become the Maid" I said in defeat, there were many things in life to accomplish I clearly can't die now. Not today at lest.

"Good, James I would love it if you showed her to her room and gave her the maid's outfit" she nodded towards a butler who seemed to be in his mid thirties.

"Your highness, we've found this with her" the guard showed her my precious sword. "Umm, keep it away for now, no one shall use this sword understood?" Won't she hand my sword to someone? I guess not.

I sighed, at lest they won't give it away to someone and would keep it. That made my mind a little relaxed. Key word 'a little'.

I made a mental note to try and steal my sword back, that is if I even had a Chance.

James kindly showed me to my room. "Please wear these, you'll start working right away" he said, handing me a maid's outfit.

You know those cliché maid outfit you see on movies? Yeah those ones. Black and white, that's the color of the outfit. Two plain colors, blood red would've been better though.

Without complaining I toke the outfits from his hands and made my way inside the room.

It was big, too big for a maid. In the middle there laid a queen sized bed, I always thought royals threatened their maids badly.

Now that I look back, not a lot of people live in this castle.

I jumped straight into the shower after looking at the room with awe, and oh god how good it felt! It's been almost ages that I haven't showered and I always wondered why I never smelt . Weird right?

I finished my amazing shower and dressed into the maid's outfit. I was really uncomfortable in the outfit since I haven't really wore anything short or dresses. My figure wasn't really bad, I wasn't fat or skinny.

My long legs were exposed in the outfit I was wearing and that was the most uncomfortable part.

There came two Knocks on the door before opening. James stood there smiling "I see you're done changing, please come with me and I'll show you around" " o- okay"

After two hours of getting to know everyone and the parts of the castle, I was given my chores. I was currently cleaning the windows and trust me it's hard! The windows are just too damn big!

"Well hello there Cinderella" came a flirtatious sound. I turned and saw the most ugliest guy I have ever seen. Nah I'm just joking!
He was hot! His abs were clearly visible under his thin layer of clothing, but such a shame he was a player. I saw him smirking, seeing that I was checking him out.

Way to make his ego bigger Lindsey. Yay! Again please note the sarcasm. I ignored him and went back to work. Better be done early than later. I felt a hand slip on my waist. "Now is that a way to treat your Prince Charming?" "Let me go before I break your bones or worse make sure you never produce babies" I snapped.

"Feisty, I like that" with that I grabbed his hand that was wrapped around my waist and twisted it, I kicked him where the sun don't shine.

He groaned and fell on his knees "that's what you get for messing with me idiot" I said while walking away.


what do you think? XD did you like how they met? Lindsey and Derek? Lol *^*/ this is the best I can do so far since my exams are starting this Wednesday and will end next week on Thursday and after that I have a three week holiday •^• I might spend my time watching anime or working on my story. >__> I might even travel. I'm sorry if this chapter is bad cuz I just wrote it without a thought I just kept writing whatever came to my mind for the past 2 hours. Anyways if you have made it this far, thank you!
Or maybe even follow? Idk Okie? Bai? Until next time. 0^0/
XD lets all hope I survive exams without failing

That Prince Is A Jerk (on hold, to be rewritten)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora