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  "Be your Valentino just for you..."

  A month. It had been exactly a month since Keigo had stopped hanging out with me. We still texted, occasionally, but he would always cut the conversation short, or give dry responses. I felt empty without seeing him, still not realizing what I had done wrong. I thought back to the day he started to act weird, trying to recall a moment where I had been rude or thoughtless. I sighed, my heart clenching. I had thought of nothing.

  Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I got up, pulling my mask over my face like usual, and opened it up. My eyes widened.

  "Hey." Keigo breathed out, looking down at me with a guilty smile. "Been a while."

  "W-where have you-"

  I was suddenly tightly embraced by him, almost knocking the wind out of me. I let out a small wheeze, face flushing.

  "I'm such a coward." Keigo mumbled into my neck, squeezing me tighter. "I'm sorry for leaving you like that."

  "L-let's go inside, before we attract attention." I whispered, glancing out across the street. Keigo refused to let go of me. I sighed, dragging him with me inside the house as I shut the door behind us. "W-why did you suddenly stop hanging out with me? I thought we were friends?"

  Keigo looked at me, chocolate brown eyes filled with guilt, and I blushed, just now realizing how close our faces were.

  "I don't wanna be friends, Y/N." He said, and my heart twinged with pain. He sucked in a breath, then shakily exhaled. "I'm not the good person you think I am. I was using those hang outs as an excuse to get closer to you, and I eventually stopped thinking of you as a friend and crossed the line with my flirting and stuff..."

  I grew confused. Stopped thinking of me as a friend? Flirting?

  "When you called me your friend, at the beach and at your house, it felt like a harsh slap in the face back to reality. I knew you didn't think of me as more than your idol, your pal, your KFC buddy. And I couldn't fathom that. So, instead of handling my emotions and talking to you about it like a big boy, I ghosted you."

  "W-what do you want me to think of you as?" I said softly, still confused. What did he think of me as, to go to those lengths and avoid me? Keigo sighed, averting his gaze from me.

  "I'm gonna sound selfish right now, but..." His demeanor changed, and he reluctantly looked at me, his eyes set with determination. "I want you to think of me as your love interest, if not more than that."

  I made a surprised noise, taken aback. Didn't I already make it obvious I liked him?

  "I-I already do..." I said, struggling to speak. My face flushed as I looked up at the now surprised man. "I always have. You're not just my idol, you're the person I care about most in the world. Well, besides Izu-chan."

  Keigo stood there silently, then let out a relieved laugh. He wrapped his arms and wings around my body, hugging me tightly. "I'm so stupid. Aren't I stupid?"

  "Maybe a little. But I still like you." I laughed softly, hugging him back. We stayed like that for a while, feeling comforted in each other's embrace. Keigo pulled away from me, suddenly serious.

  "I was serious about the marriage thing, by the way. If you're gonna be anyone's wife you're gonna be mine."

  I turned scarlet, pulling off my mask and beaming up at him.

  "I couldn't be happier."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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